I tend to want to do blog posts on special days.
Surely Leap Day is special. It just happens once every four years.
It occurs to me I went almost all month without blogging, finally forcing myself to write something a day or two ago.
Now I wish I had not posted anything for February until on this bonus day, Feb. 29.
Not that those kinds of things matter at all.
Here’s something else that doesn’t matter at all, although it surprised me: On this 29th day of February, I noticed I still have a photo from Christmas for my Facebook profile picture! It’s like I forgot to take down the Christmas decorations!! Yet, for reasons I won’t explain, this is not a good day to change it.
All in all, all is well.
I told a friend I had to let go the thought of making Leap Day “count” as something “special.” Instead, I would draw on several reminders to focus on gratitude today. Gratitude can make any moment count and make ordinary things special.
I’m grateful to focus on gratitude.
And now I’m grateful to turn the calendar page to March.