Monday, February 28, 2022

Classic transition

 This space is reserved for a post to look back at February & into a busy month of March, with the Bassmaster Classic, Ash Wednesday, my birthday & many other opportunities. 

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Relating to a game

 Wordle 251 4/6





This is yesterday’s. I’m thinking I may start sharing a day later (if at all) so as not to give clues. It was also my first day of playing before I got on social media (because when I get on FB, I always find clues, and that seems like cheating). On the other hand, maybe the comments & clues are part of the fun. It’s just a game!! 

Also: This took me an hour to get!!

One hour!

As I’ve said many times, this puzzle/game would not be for me if there was a time limit (other than the 24 hours!). The deadline would stress me out. 

It also would not be for me if I only got one or two “not in word list” chances.

As it is, I should probably set a timer for myself each day. 

Meanwhile, I’ve learned that it’s not true that I can’t focus. I CAN concentrate, just not on important stuff!! 😂🙃🤣

Monday, February 21, 2022

Fun with words

I’m not sure when I created this post. It was an empty, untitled file. Now it’s 2-21-22. Which reminds me, tomorrow is Super Twos-day: Tuesday 2-22-22  

Before that came to mind, I was thinking I could easily place some words about Wordle here. 

The word game has become a simple pleasure. I’ve played 21 days, figuring out the puzzle in 2 to 6 tries each time. 

I like the simplicity & that there isn’t a deadline or time limit, other than having to play within the 24 hours the puzzle is available, and my own amount of time I’m willing to commit. 

As a word person, it gives me a sense of satisfaction each time each time I figure out the word. I’m hopeful I also will feel grateful for the challenge when I finally break my streak, as I know will happen, either through forgetting to play or not being able to solve the puzzle in the allotted six tries. 

As I commented in various Facebook posts, mostly in response to others: 

Response to a friend who broke her string 2-17-22: I’ve not been playing long. I’m kinda obsessed. I’m also prepared to be ok when my streak is over. I was quite surprised at how quickly I got hooked on Wordle. I wouldn’t even look to see what this mysterious thing was for about 2 weeks after I started seeing friends share. Then I took a peek, tried a puzzle — and I was hooked. For about a week I didn’t share my results. Now … My name is Pat & I am a Wordle addict!!

Response to another friend 2-20-22 (she said it looked like I had a great result on Wordle; getting it on second try): Yes, it appears to be. It’s a crazy combination of luck, patience, perseverance& fascination with words for me. If it had a time limit or deadline, I wouldn’t be interested.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Pretty Pat is ready to sing again!

And sing she did!! 

Editing to come (maybe) …



‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, p.462. 

Probably verses 1,2&4, but maybe just 1&4. Either way, with an interlude, during which I MAY recite Proverbs 3:5-6. I saw a video of a child who did it this way & it delighted my heart & soul. 

See you Sunday!

Sylvia: That will be very nice!

Pat: Thank you. I hope so.

(Didn’t send:  Little Pat, aka Pretty Pat (especially to her Grandpa & aunts on her Daddy’s side), of about 4-6 years old, really wanted to be that little girl on FB. Maybe it’s not too late!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

No place like home!

I thank God for the traveling mercies that brought Gene safely home from Lake of the Ozarks despite the winter storm of sleet & snow that moved in. Overjoyed to see him drive up. All glory to God!

I’m also grateful for crazy examples of my distraction, as this word person/detail oriented/longtime editor fell hook, line & sinker for 2 of 3 online jokes. I’m grateful I was able to laugh at myself. 

And I pray a couple of messages sent as I could not contain my inquiring mind are well-received & cause no negative repercussions for Gene. I’m lifting these up to God in faith & with thanksgiving for Who He is & all He has done & is doing. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Crazy start to February!

The Mustang had been in the garage with the top down since last Monday. I thought I would keep it down when I went to run errands today but even at 60 degrees, with clouds & a breeze, it seemed chilly, so I closed it. After the first stop, I put the top back down. Even without sunshine, I couldn’t resist before the wintry mess arrives tomorrow. #readyforsummer #goawaywinter #willanyonenoticemyhaircut

Then, before the night was over, I gave in to the temptation & played the latest viral fad, Wordle. Every day before this I felt grateful to avoid becoming even asking or searching to find out what it was. But I keep seeing it. In a moment of weakness — I played, “won,” then shared my results on Facebook. Dang!! 

Then I edited the privacy so only I can see it. 

I actually enjoyed the puzzle. I just don’t need to get hooked on playing & sharing. Even tonight, it distracted me from more important things as I try to settle in for the next few days that could bring snow, ice & way too cold temperature. 

(Notes to self: 1-xxxxx (already forgot the first day’s word) 6/6;

 2-moist 4/6; 

3-shard 5/6; 

4-pleat 4/6; 

5-aloft 2/6