(Lillie-Beth Sanger Brinkman was the other who got it.)
Friday, April 29, 2022
Wordle wisdom
(Lillie-Beth Sanger Brinkman was the other who got it.)
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Did it happen if I didn’t blog?
I just noticed I didn’t document the end of my initial Wordle streak at 77. It was fairly peaceful & I picked right back up with the game. My new streak is at 9. The game is still a fun challenge, and that’s good enough for me.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Good enough, indeed!
By the grace of God, by my belief in the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ, yes, my feeble faith is good enough. It is a good foundation to grow in grace & truth & love & service. And I am grateful, this Easter Sunday & always.
(Plus this: Found a hat & some flowers to put on it if only I knew how! I will do a quick online search. I bought a needle & some upholstery thread. I wonder if that will work? It’s 9:30 pm. Is this worth praying about? My prayer is to know whether to take time to try to figure it out. To enjoy a moment of creative opportunity & be willing to let it go if it takes too long or does not seem to be working out. I think the main thing tonight is to not be afraid to try, & to let myself enjoy the experience. FOLLOW-UP: I did seize the moment of creative opportunity & God rewarded it by letting my deepen my Easter joy!)
(And this, added Monday: We fished Sunday afternoon & into the evening, about 3 to 7 pm. Caught some good ones. Aware of my tendency to judge whether that was an acceptable way to spend Easter afternoon. The answer to my prayerful inquiry was always yes — it is good to spend a beautiful afternoon at the lake with Gene; although I start to wonder again as I hear Gene habitually cursing God as something has gone wrong while he is mowing Monday morning. Even so, I know more may be revealed.)