This space is reserved for a post to look back at February & into a busy month of March, with the Bassmaster Classic, Ash Wednesday, my birthday & many other opportunities.
Monday, February 28, 2022
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Relating to a game
Wordle 251 4/6
This is yesterday’s. I’m thinking I may start sharing a day later (if at all) so as not to give clues. It was also my first day of playing before I got on social media (because when I get on FB, I always find clues, and that seems like cheating). On the other hand, maybe the comments & clues are part of the fun. It’s just a game!!
Also: This took me an hour to get!!
One hour!
As I’ve said many times, this puzzle/game would not be for me if there was a time limit (other than the 24 hours!). The deadline would stress me out.
It also would not be for me if I only got one or two “not in word list” chances.
As it is, I should probably set a timer for myself each day.
Meanwhile, I’ve learned that it’s not true that I can’t focus. I CAN concentrate, just not on important stuff!! 😂🙃🤣
Monday, February 21, 2022
Fun with words
I’m not sure when I created this post. It was an empty, untitled file. Now it’s 2-21-22. Which reminds me, tomorrow is Super Twos-day: Tuesday 2-22-22
Before that came to mind, I was thinking I could easily place some words about Wordle here.
The word game has become a simple pleasure. I’ve played 21 days, figuring out the puzzle in 2 to 6 tries each time.
I like the simplicity & that there isn’t a deadline or time limit, other than having to play within the 24 hours the puzzle is available, and my own amount of time I’m willing to commit.
As a word person, it gives me a sense of satisfaction each time each time I figure out the word. I’m hopeful I also will feel grateful for the challenge when I finally break my streak, as I know will happen, either through forgetting to play or not being able to solve the puzzle in the allotted six tries.
As I commented in various Facebook posts, mostly in response to others:
Response to a friend who broke her string 2-17-22: I’ve not been playing long. I’m kinda obsessed. I’m also prepared to be ok when my streak is over. I was quite surprised at how quickly I got hooked on Wordle. I wouldn’t even look to see what this mysterious thing was for about 2 weeks after I started seeing friends share. Then I took a peek, tried a puzzle — and I was hooked. For about a week I didn’t share my results. Now … My name is Pat & I am a Wordle addict!!
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Pretty Pat is ready to sing again!
And sing she did!!
Editing to come (maybe) …
‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, p.462.
Probably verses 1,2&4, but maybe just 1&4. Either way, with an interlude, during which I MAY recite Proverbs 3:5-6. I saw a video of a child who did it this way & it delighted my heart & soul.
See you Sunday!
Sylvia: That will be very nice!
Pat: Thank you. I hope so.
(Didn’t send: Little Pat, aka Pretty Pat (especially to her Grandpa & aunts on her Daddy’s side), of about 4-6 years old, really wanted to be that little girl on FB. Maybe it’s not too late!)
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
No place like home!
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Crazy start to February!
The Mustang had been in the garage with the top down since last Monday. I thought I would keep it down when I went to run errands today but even at 60 degrees, with clouds & a breeze, it seemed chilly, so I closed it. After the first stop, I put the top back down. Even without sunshine, I couldn’t resist before the wintry mess arrives tomorrow. #readyforsummer #goawaywinter #willanyonenoticemyhaircut
Then, before the night was over, I gave in to the temptation & played the latest viral fad, Wordle. Every day before this I felt grateful to avoid becoming even asking or searching to find out what it was. But I keep seeing it. In a moment of weakness — I played, “won,” then shared my results on Facebook. Dang!!
Then I edited the privacy so only I can see it.
I actually enjoyed the puzzle. I just don’t need to get hooked on playing & sharing. Even tonight, it distracted me from more important things as I try to settle in for the next few days that could bring snow, ice & way too cold temperature.
(Notes to self: 1-xxxxx (already forgot the first day’s word) 6/6;
2-moist 4/6;
3-shard 5/6;
4-pleat 4/6;
5-aloft 2/6