Wednesday, July 31, 2024

They don’t make them like they used to …

Although they don’t make refrigerators like they used to, I’m grateful we could buy a new one since the old one started acting up. Shopping was quite the experience. Delivery will be the next experience! Bring it on!

Happy bread

I love the pictures of happy bread slices my friend Carrie shared after we dropped some off for her & her mom. One of her friends noticed the blueberry smile. It makes me smile!! A happy thought to end July. #simplepleasures #sharedsmiles

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Got the ring!

Yes, I also failed to post about getting my World Series ring as a fan of the 2023 champions Texas Rangers! It was a crazy pursuit. I wouldn't have done it had I realized some of what was involved. So I'm glad I didn't know! Was it worth it? Yes — In ways I don't think I can explain and I won't even try right now.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

So far behind!

I can hardly believe I didn’t post about that delightful dinner party I co-hosted with Penny in Tulsa on July 8. I’m so grateful I said yes to this wonderful opportunity. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Lost & found

Yesterday I started again to try to straighten up my very messy front room — to declutter. I’ve been praying for willingness & some finally came. 

My tendency is to move things around & regroup as needed. It’s a major struggle to actually let go of things I don’t really need. 

I know I will have to get rid of things if I want to have an organized space. I’ve learned that I should have a place for everything. In other words, there’s no reason for me to have more “stuff” than my home can accommodate. 

Yesterday, I decided to part with 2 beloved cat-motif pullovers & a button-front shirt, along with another pullover I kept thinking I should like — but the reality is that sweaters & sweatshirts & other tops that don’t button or zip in the front cause me to overheat, even when it’s very cold outside.  

I’d had these pieces set aside for awhile. I guess I was trying to become willing to part with them. I finally made the decision.

And almost immediately after I placed them with my items to donate & returned to the front room to continue decluttering, I found my wedding album & photos that I had not been able to locate since before our 40th anniversary — almost 2 years ago!

It was in a space where I thought it should be & where I know I had looked several times.

How does that work? 

I’m in a program that teaches that when we let go of what we no longer need, we make room for what is important. It encourages me to trust God to guide & provide what I need if I do the work of letting go of what I don’t need. I pray for willingness & ability & serenity & courage & wisdom. And I thank God for this evidence of what’s to come.