I've written this before, but it's time to do it again. Here's an accounting of just a few of my many blessings for which I am grateful to God and want to give Him the glory:
-- The love and faith of my parents and family.
-- The love and support of my husband.
-- A growing attitude of faith, acceptance and gratitude, in the face of whatever comes in life.
-- Appreciation for the good things in life.
-- Willingness to look for the good things in life, even when much seems less than good for me or others.
-- Health.
-- A reasonable dose of intelligence and common sense.
-- A job that continues to offer many more positives than negatives for me.
-- A loving and supportive family of faith, including but not limited to those who are members of the church I attend.
-- A loving and supportive fellowship of friends on a 12-step journey of recovery, one day at a time.
-- God's word through the Bible. The Psalms may still be my favorites, but there are great passages throughout. This week, I've been reading from Job, Corinthians, Psalms and Proverbs. Lately, Scripture reminds me that it's OK to be repetitive in my praise. God's not demanding eloquence. He wants heartfelt, honest expression.
This list could go on and on, but it doesn't all have to be written tonight. It just seemed important to put in writing some of the thoughts of gratitude I've been feeling personally and expressing to others as I have opportunity. There are still many other things I want to write about. I guess I could add to my blessings list that I am growing in patience as well as an ability to prioritize. With it continues another blessing: Hope that springs eternal that someday I will be able to let go of the lesser things and focus on the things that are truly important in life.
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