Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Early thoughts about Leap Day

It's Leap Day, and I know my favorite devotional for this year will have no fresh words for me today. I wonder if the prayer journal will? I think one OA book does and one doesn't. I know I will get new  Upper Room and Denison Forum posts.

I prefer that yearlong devotional or inspirational books have something for Feb. 29 even when it's not leap year. I consider them a bonus. I always take time to read them. 

I'm not sure why I'm more  intrigued by leap day this year. Before I left work, I was aware that it seemed odd that leap day isn't a big deal. I think I saw only  one newspaper story about it, although there could be others. 

Of course, it's a relatively  new thing for me to still be winding down from the previous day in the early hours of the new day. Maybe that skews my thoughts. I really should leap into sleep instead continuing this little exercise. But first, I will post ...

To be continued ... 


  1. OK, that's weird. I know it's after 2 am Feb 29, but the blogspot clock/calendar apparently doesn't agree. I'd forgotten about that and have not been able to fix it. A project for another day.

  2. And then, when I woke up today, I reread the Feb. 28 entry in my favorite devo because I knew there wasn't a new one for today. And I turned the page to read March 1, and there was Feb. 29. And it was what I read while writing this blog post that I would have sworn said March 1. One more reason to trust God instead of my crazy mind!
