Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Reflections from Jan. 2-8
So many contradictions.
I felt like last year was a time of great personal growth and spiritual progress for me, but when I reviewed things I wrote the first week of last year, I could wonder. Same fears. Same problems. Have I progressed at all?
Yes. I continue to seek and know and to strive to serve God. I didn't have to wait until I was desperate to recommit to the 12 steps and to spiritual growth.
I had hoped to keep things simple, but I am reading more and more. Am I looking for the perfect answer and a sure thing? Or am I simply following where God leads?
This year I am again reading daily selections from "Jesus Calling," "A Prayerful Heart," "The Upper Room," "The Denison Forum," "For Today" and "Voices of Recovery." I've also added daily readings from "My Utmost for His Highest" and a plan from Bible Gateway.
Wow! No wonder I'm not getting anything else except work done. But that's not really true. I'm getting as much done as I would anyway -- which to me never seems like enough -- and my attitude is infinitely better. And I have hope and peace.
I know many people who seem to be struggling to feel the happiness and hope of this new year. Job situations, economic woes and health issues confound many. I've heard people wonder, in jest but with a sense of reality, whether 2013 is destined to be an unlucky year.
We had a guest preacher Sunday, because our pastor was among those sick. Her sermon was just what I and others probably needed: "It Is Well With My Soul." She offered tips for making sure this is the case as well as what to do when it is and is not. It reaffirmed much of what I am learning.
No matter what the year '13 brings, it can be well with my soul. Today, it is well with my soul. For that I am grateful.
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