Thursday, January 1, 2015

In the moment: New Year's Day

Starting the new year with a cold wasn't my plan, nor was the possibility of icy roads as I return to work on Jan. 2. 

And I'm not complaining. 

Just for today, I don't have to have some grandiose plan of hopes and dreams to start this year. I'm not adding anything to my daily readings and rituals. I'm not even recommitting to the ones I'm behind on (The Upper Room, Denison Forum and the Bible Gateway reading plan; and keeping my email inbox clear of unread items). 

I'm grateful for a day I could rest. I'm as prepared as I can be for whatever the weather and roads present tomorrow. 

I am trying so hard to just be positive. 

I just reread First 15 and then read the Upper Room. I needed this reminder:

"That reminded me of the many ways that God takes our small efforts and uses them to feed people physically, emotionally, and spiritually. So when I feel that I should be doing bigger things with my life, I remind myself of the loaves and fishes. My job is to do the tasks in front of me. God’s job — God’s delight — is to use them to feed the world." (Sara Matson, Minnesota)

And the thought for the day: What small task can I offer to God today?

Whatever I've offered to God today (gratitude, humility, praise) seems not just small but minuscule. Can He use even this? My faith tells me yes. 

I'd be lying if I said this is all I had hoped for today. 

Is it time to let go the blog??? God, what do you have in mind for me? Please help me know and do, to Your glory. 

Should I have called my brother? Mom? Anyone else? 

Did I use the cold -- and now the weather -- as an excuse?

And Lord, I am starting this year as selfish and I-focused as ever. Forgive me and help me. I trust You. Please help me know and do Your will, to Your glory. (And no, it doesn't have to feel great for me. I need to remember that. I seek YOUR GLORY AND WILL, AND BLESSINGS FOR OTHERS, not my own pleasure or glory.)

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