Sunday, May 31, 2015

More a-May-zing

Reflections on the final day of May. Clouds. 
Baptisms and confirmations and professions of faith. 
Majesty, Change My Heart Oh God, praise, prayer, faith and fellowship. 
Kite-flying with kids. 
Showers of presents in anticipation of a baby boy. 
A mother's love never ends ... and it is such a rich blessing. 
The love and compassion of siblings and their families. 
30-plus inches of rain in 25 or so days ... swollen rivers ... scary puddles ...

Reminders that it's time to put work into its place. I'm not sure how -- but I really need to find a way. Crazy as it seems, I've sometimes concluded God must want me to be spending the extra time I spend at work. I seem unable to keep it from happening, so maybe it is in his plan and He is working it for good. Perhaps? I just know I'm glad I didn't let my tiredness from last week and potential anxiety about next week keep me from doing some things  this weekend. I almost did let it, and  I have been missing things I would like to do, because I basically put work first. 
As I wrote yesterday, May started well. and it is ending well. There were some rough patches in between. I want to not feel let down or discouraged by  stormy days, long hours at work, and ball games that don't end well for my team. And I sure don't want to let those kinds of things distract me from doing what my heart desires: worshipping, praising and serving God; enjoying family and friends, serving and caring for those in need; and enjoying music, words and nature. 

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