Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Different Kind of Lent (Part 2): Giving Jesus My Heart With Acts of Love

Yes, this has been a different kind of Lent. 

A devotional series shared by my niece Diana became very important and instructional for me.

The devotions were from the book "Practicing Love: Family Devotions for Lent" by Leah and Robyn Perrault, available on Kindle.

I looked forward to Diana's Facebook posts each day with simple lessons designed especially for families, As she shared the lessons, they reminded me of her and her sweet family, including two precious children, Ian and Belle. I'm so grateful to God that they have found a loving and supportive church home near where they live.
As the series moved into Holy Week, I was aware that the daily prayer had become one that often provided a quick checkpoint for me.

The prayer: "Jesus, I give you my heart with my acts of love today."

I'd find myself assessing: How am I doing with that?

Tonight, when I was stressed out after spending too long shopping for groceries and other items in Walmart, and knowing I still had to stop by CVS to pick up a prescription that likely would have some complications with insurance, I thought of the prayer and recited it in my car. Lord, help me remember that I show love to you by showing love to others.

The pharmacy stop did not go well, and I doubt the emotions I felt and expressed showed a lot of love for Jesus. Fortunately, most of the frustration and negativity was kept within the confines of my car and the initial words of a text that I managed to edit severely before sending to my husband, who was out of town. I clearly was more restrained and gracious that I felt like being, even though I did have a moment of having to cry out loudly (I refuse to call it a scream, at least in print) in my car. Maybe that bit of restraint counts as an act of love to myself and the people at the pharmacy -- and thus to Jesus. 

That may not be a great example of how the prayer has influenced me positively, but it's the one on my mind as I'm winding down for the day. 

I just know that my circumstances at the start of Lent kept me from looking for a spiritual discipline or devotion to commit to, but I'm grateful this one found me. I haven't followed by niece's posts faithfully, but still that important prayer embedded its way into my spirit: "Jesus, I give you my heart with my acts of love today."

I ordered the book today for my Kindle app and am catching up as part of my Holy Week contemplation.  I doubt I do all the activities, but I should be able to read the Scriptures and the insights offered.  Written with families and young children in mind, they are presented in simple terms but don't avoid the messy parts of relationships -- including those experienced by Jesus in the days leading up to His crucifixion. 

Ordering the book was also an act of love, as I'm trying to become more aware of the importance of paying for the creative work of authors, artists, musicians and others that I benefit from. This is good for those creative producers as well as for my own soul and spirit. 

And somehow -- even with that momentary meltdown as I drove from the drive-through window to a parking place so I could go inside and wait at CVS -- I see how each small step of progress and better choice is moving me toward Easter and a renewed and fuller relationship with God and the love of Christ.

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