That doesn't interest me at all. Fortunately, through the years, I've adopted a fine slogan that comes in handy here: Take what you want and leave the rest.
So ... I won't be attempting to write a novel in a month.
But something about the challenge of writing 500 words a day, about whatever appeals to me, appeals to me. Even when on the first day of November, it's after 11 p.m. before I'm sitting down at the computer to type, and I have to get up early tomorrow.
Fortunately, I jotted down some notes in the journal on my phone earlier in the day, so perhaps I can make quick work of this.
For today, writing 500 words a day in November seems possible. Starting today.
In its time, anything is possible.
In its time, everything is possible!!
In its time, nothing is impossible.
For me to play a part in what God makes possible, I have to spend time with Him, praying and listening and responding with faith, whether that response be action or waiting.
It's a process. It doesn't always make sense to me.
In fact, I just did a word count, and the end of that last sentence was just 265 words. I really don't have time for this. What was I thinking?
Truly, simply, this: With God, anything is possible. With God, everything is possible! With God, nothing is impossible.
So, I thought I might sit down and quickly type out 500 words and still finish a couple of other tasks before I go to bed -- and also get plenty of sleep before my alarm goes off at 6 a.m. (or now maybe 6:30 a.m., but if I set it back 30 minutes, I'll face the new impossibility of getting to church by 8 a.m. to finish getting things ready for the bazaar).
I'd be finished now if I could think of an ending. Maybe I can be finished anyway, and let this be a project that continues to develop. Be satisfied with progress not perfection. Trust God. Trust the process. Can I trust God's timing with this process? Yes.
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