Sunday, April 12, 2020
Praise God for this not-normal Easter
This Easter wasn't normal, largely influenced by social distancing needed to flatten the curve of a global pandemic.
And that's OK.
As Pastor Desi reminded us: We have been celebrating the not normal for 2,000 years -- ever since Christ was raised from the dead!
"Christianity isn't about being comfortable. (It's not) about the status-quo. Worshiping a risen savior -- a Christ who was raised from the dead -- is about turning the world upside down." It's about true life, life in the face of death, abundant life.
But like with the disciples, sometimes we have doubts. We need reminders of God's presence and love. We desperately need to hold fast to the truth that Jesus loves us and is always with us.
That's what Easter is about.
God so loved the world. This is the day that love reigned supreme.
God showed up and made a way, created a way no one thought was possible.
And now we are in a situation where we get to choose what a new normal will look like. We find ourselves in uncertainty, a time when society is showing up to see, bear witness, grieve our collective losses.
But don't forget to remember the rest of the story. The women who saw the risen Christ "with fear and great joy ran to tell what they had seen."
"Fear and great joy. It is possible to have both. Particularly on Easter morning. It is possible to know God is love. To know victory over death. To know Christ is risen, is risen indeed!
"Let's run and tell the news of the not normal to the world. And when we do, we will meet Jesus on the road ...."
Thank you, Pastor Desi, for your Easter message.
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