On this last day of August, I need to repost what I posted on the first day of August. God willing, I will update it at some point. The month seemed incredibly long, and now it's an hour from being over. It ended up offering many gifts for which I am grateful. Seeing what I wrote Aug. 1 reminded me, as did things this past weekend that I discussed with my pastor today, that I never know what seeds of faith will yield. May I continue to grow in my faith that God will meet every need!
I started the day wondering and praying: Who am I & what would you have me do and be, Lord?
Shortly thereafter, I wrote these words, which I kept in my heart, thoughts and prayers throughout the day:
I am a child of God, loved by God, beautiful and good in His sight, able to do all things through the power of the Holy Spirit, and yet not required to do anything, because nothing can separate me from His love — no matter what I do or don’t do, God loves me and is working for good. He longs for me to accept His love, mercy and grace and to partner with Him, that I may know the fullness of peace and joy that comes from loving, honoring, obeying, praising and thanking Him. He is greater than whatever it is that has been holding me back from experiencing His love. All I need is the tiniest grain of faith. I have that! Thank You, God, for the hope and promise of a new day, this day, every day. I am grateful and eager to see where You lead me.
And at day's end: Thank You, God! Today definitely seemed much better! Thank You! Amen!
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