Friday, October 28, 2016

Grateful -- and now what?

When last Friday started, I felt like I was finally getting into a rhythm for this period of unemployment. But not too far into the morning, I learned that my cousin in Florida had died after a six-year battle with cancer. Instinctively, I sensed I would be willing and able to go with my Mom to Florida to celebrate her life and spend time with her Dad, Mom's brother. And by Saturday, the trip was confirmed. I would drive to Texas on Sunday afternoon, Mom and I would catch a ride to Dallas for a 7 am departure to Jacksonville, and we would return Thursday. 

It was a good trip and I'm grateful I was able to go. I enjoy traveling with my Mom, even when the occasion involves the death of a loved one. As is often the case, I clearly see how God prepared me and provided the ways and resources. 

And that gives me hope that He also will prepare and equip me to take care of the things I didn't do while I was gone -- and before I leave on another trip Tuesday. It's still hard to know what to do first. The first week I was focused on chores and details. I was going to start the interpersonal connections and follow-ups the second week. But that didn't happen, and now it seems there won't be time to do all I want or think I need to do. 

I want to trust God. I want to put people first. But the people connections can be overwhelming. The tasks also seem daunting. Not by the magnitude of any specific one, but just deciding where to start, and how the number remaining to be dealt with seems unending. 

What are the Scriptures I need to focus on? God, please guide me. Please help me know and do Your will, to Your glory. 

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