Thursday, February 7, 2019

How many times ...

This may seem disgusting, but it’s actually an amazing joy and relief!!

I called to let the church custodian know not to toss the bathroom trash before I could go through it, because I had lost my Aggie ring (again!) and that was one of the last places I could think of it might be (because it was so cold in there during a meeting, and the ring might have come off when I dried my hands).

After the meeting, I was continuing to look in my kitchen garbage as I was calling, because I had broken a jar of salsa right before I left for church and thought maybe the ring came off when I was cleaning that up. But I had already looked once in my trash, and I wasn’t optimistic a more thorough search would have any better results, especially since I didn’t really think that was where I lost it. 

Before I could finish explaining to Debbie’s husband (who had been at the church when I noticed my ring was missing and tried unsuccessfully to find it) why I was calling, I saw something shiny and round — could it be?? Yes! My ring!! So instead of saying I needed to go through the church trash, I was able to celebrate I had found the lost ring!!! I thanked Larry, saying I’m not sure how he did it, but I sure am glad he helped me find it!!! I know I was praying, and I think he and a few others from the meeting likely were, too.

As always when I lose keys, rings or other jewelry, which happens way too often, I pray because I believe God welcomes those kinds of prayers as well as those on weightier matters. I’m praying as much for calmness and guidance and focus and wisdom in searching and-or when to give up as I am to find it. But without a doubt I am grateful and relieved and give God the glory when the lost is found!!

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