Sunday, March 31, 2019

Trust God

Trust God.

That was the message that came through softly but clearly as I tried to focus my thoughts and prayers one morning this week.

The thoughts included that jumble of what to do that day and how to do it, which brought the thoughts and feelings of what is wrong with me that things that should be simple seem so hard. And how slow I am.

Trust God.

I thought of a woman in our choir at church who has a lot of hardship in her own family — and yet she found time to visit two church members who are homebound. She just does it, while I’m stuck in my thoughts and plans about how and when.

Trust God. 

My thoughts also included a loved one going through a difficult time. He rejects a spiritual approach to dealing with the situation. I wish I could help. I have no idea how.

Trust God.

This led me to thoughts that I am grateful for strengthened faith, which I think is a direct result of conscientious Bible study, which is an indirect result of more intentional and consistent practice of the 12 steps to clear some of the cobwebs of my mind and my past.

Trust God.

This led me to think about how even with progress I have made, there are so many areas in which my thinking and my actions seem as deficient as ever to me.

That’s when TRUST GOD came through strongest of all.

God knows me. God knows what I can and can’t, will and won’t do. God is in charge. God is working for good. God made me. God loves me.

Trust God.

Trust God with the people and situations on my heart and mind.

Trust God with my food, my weight, my recovery, my service, my health.

Trust God with my weaknesses.

Trust God with my strengths.

Trust God with my time.

Trust God with the results.

Trust God.

Love God. Praise God. Seek God. Listen to God. Follow God’s guidance. Thank God.

Trust God.


I am grateful to desire and be willing to TRUST GOD this moment.

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