This is not the post I expected to be making to start the month of March.
Possibly because it is my birth month, I have a tendency to be reflective and set goals and contemplate changes — or resolve to try again and do better — in March. It’s likely also related to March being at the beginning, the end or smack dab in the middle of Lent, that time of spiritual preparation for the celebration of Christ’s great sacrifice of love and resurrection at Easter.
Nowadays, it’s also when the Bassmaster Classic takes place, which is a big event in my husband’s world. After I quit working at a newspaper in 2016, BASS and the Classic have become big in my world too, often with an opportunity to write a rare story for publication in the newspaper.
Those things came together this year.
So hope springs eternal. With God all things are possible.
I want and need to be true to who I believe God created me to be. In many instances, it’s unclear to me who or what or how He wants me to be. Other times it is pretty clear, and I just resist.
So, tonight I did a thing I seldom do. When someone posted something on Facebook that is fairly controversial but with which I agree, I shared it, with this note atop:
This makes sense to me. And yet many people I love and respect probably think I’m terrible for sharing and saying this makes sense to me. I’m actually questioning my sanity in doing so on what has been a good day.
I’m grateful I’ve been able to be friends with people even when we don’t see eye to eye. I’m concerned that the reason is because I often keep it to myself if my views differ.
I pray the friends who have been through this (transgender or other gender identity issues and processes) or who have loved ones who have experienced this can accept me even if I’m honest about how I see things such as this.
And please understand: I don’t know where God stands on this issue. I just know that my reading and understanding of the Bible, along with the way I process what I see in the world, supports what I believe today.
And whether right, wrong or some combination, my call from God was to not be afraid. Sometimes the only way I will learn is by taking a chance. And today, I had no choice about that.
After the initial trepidation, I'm now eager to see what lessons God has in store.
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