I can’t let 2020 end without making a space to reflect, just in case.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Ending well
I’ve ended 2020 by completing the “Bible in One Year with Nicky Gumbel,” a Bible reading plan on the YouVersion Bible app.
I had to catch up on about 25 days of reading in 3 days. (I missed about 3 weeks in March-April and struggled the rest of the year to get and stay caught up.) I am grateful to have made the commitment to finish. There is still much I don’t understand in the Bible, especially Revelation. I’m seeing that more becomes clear each time I read and study.
The final day’s commentary was about “how to begin and end,“ guidance I’m always seeking as one year transitions to another.
The Scriptures included Psalm 150, Nehemiah 13 and Revelation 22. In a nutshell: Begin and end with Jesus, with the love of God and with worship.
— From Psalm 150: Begin and end with worship.
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
Praise the Lord!
All the time.
In all ways.
For everything.
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
— Nehemiah, like the Bible as a whole, begins and ends with prayers grounded in God’s love. “O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant of love ...” Nehemiah 1:5
“Remember me for this also, O my God, and show mercy to me according to Your great love.” Nehemiah 13:22
— Revelation 22: Begin and end with Jesus.
“In the beginning, God ...” Genesis 1:1
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ... Through Him all things were made.” John 1:1,3
“The Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen His glory ... full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Revelation 22:13
“”Surely I am coming soon.”
“Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen.” Revelation 22:20b-21
When I finished reading, I felt exhausted, humbled, blessed, grateful, hopeful, confident in the Lord, loved. I am His! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
In making it a priority to finish reading through the Bible with this plan and commentary, I let go of many of my usual New Year’s Eve rituals and expectations.
This will be my year-end blog post and my social media post (a shortened version). Any attempts for a profound look back at 2020 will come at another time, if at all. It’s time now to wish a friend Happy Birthday, then focus my attention on my beloved husband as we bid farewell to 2020 and prepare to greet 2021, in all things giving thanks to God!
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Wrapping up Christmas
Worship this Sunday after Christmas at Whaley United Methodist Church was a wonderful service of lessons and carols. I enjoyed sitting and singing with a chorus of young angels! Heidi, Madison and Ryan love the carols, as do I. It was a good way to end a few days in Texas for Christmas that included masked moments with extended family and church friends.
Now it’s time to finish addressing and delivering (by dropping off or mailing) Christmas cards and gifts to other family members and friends, then wind down 2020 and prepare for a good start to 2021. Sounds like another busy week to me! I’m getting on my knees as soon as I post this, to pray for God to keep my focus and use my resources on His plans rather than my own.
Friday, December 25, 2020
#Forever grateful
The Advent photo challenge word for Christmas Day was #Forever.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Christmas Eve: #Word
Christmas Eve. This year was different and the same. I am grateful for precious, quiet moments of sharing and remembering with my husband in Norman before we headed to Texas. More precious (and less quiet) moments followed in Texas, spent safely, I hope and pray, celebrating God’s gift of His Son, born as a human baby Who would be our Savior and Redeemer.
Different is because of COVID and social distancing and masks and uncertainty. The same because Gene & I still came to Texas and attended a Christmas Eve service and spent time with family, wearing masks and being cautious in public gatherings including church.
The same because I still don’t know how to express all that’s in my heart at this time. Perhaps more gratitude than joy. I think that’s OK. Maybe it is joy and I’m expecting it to feel like something else — happiness, perhaps, or satisfaction, contentment or completeness.
One way I share joy is through song, and as often happens, song opportunities stirred some confusion for me. I get to continue to ask God for forgiveness regarding some of my choices and reactions. I am grateful to receive His grace.
And where does social media fit in?
Another area of sameness is awareness of my self-focus and greed. And then I top that with the thought (second-guessing again!) that even writing about this is self-focused.
Lord! Please help me! And thank You, because I know You are!
Advent photo challenge Day 25: #Word.
Will I depict a celebration of the #Word made flesh, to dwell among us? Or will I depict a #word (family) that is so important to me, which will take several pictures and still not include everyone, especially since it includes not only my mother, husband, sisters, brother and the extended loved ones, but also my church families? These images and a video capture a bit of both.
#rethinkchurch #GoodrichAdvent2020 #umcRethinkChurch #unitedmethodistchurch #ComfortsofChristmas2020
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
#Moving along
Advent photo challenge Day 24: #Moving.
This may be the hardest yet for me. It’s been in the back of my mind since morning, and at 9:45 p.m. I still had no strong image. Among the concepts that came to mind were some of the amazing, emotionally #moving, soul-stirring geothermal features we saw at Yellowstone National Park in the fall. But I had my doubts the movement would translate to a photo. Then there was the movement of the leaves in today’s gusty winds. And throughout the day has been the awareness of God’s spirit #moving in and around me, in people, in music, in nature. But how do I show that in a picture? Since it’s time for me to be #moving on to the next part of my day (bedtime), I need to quit thinking and start posting! The Yellowstone image I decided on is not the one I originally thought of but is without a doubt #moving (confirmed by the video).
#rethinkchurch #GoodrichAdvent2020 #umcRethinkChurch #unitedmethodistchurch #ComfortsofChristmas2020
The rest of this story is what I also composed but deleted, perhaps to be used tomorrow:
I thought this challenge would get easier as we got closer to Christmas, but no, the words became less obvious. (Tomorrow’s word is Word. I already know people will say that should be simple. Tell it to my brain!!)
And then, after I selected the photo and video and posted them, it didn’t seem so hard.
One of the things for which I’m most grateful is the new (for me) experience of not too badly second-guessing myself after I’ve posted. Knowing I can share more thoughts on the blog or in comments helps. And, unlike what I thought would happen, I don’t think I’ve ever come up with a clearly better idea after I posted.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
A time to build up
#rethinkchurch #GoodrichAdvent2020 #umcRethinkChurch #unitedmethodistchurch #ComfortsofChristmas2020
The rest of the story:
Much of today was spend in work to build a stronger, more effective foundation for my life and marriage. Rather than search for a more creative picture to represent my husband and me exploring goals and priorities, I took the quicker and easier approach of using pictures I had taken Monday of the new fence that replaced one that had fallen into disrepair on the north side of our home.
It’s a good time to build up areas of weakness. I am grateful to have my husband as my partner.
Monday, December 21, 2020
#given and received
This one was unexpected.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Reasons to exult
Advent photo challenge Day 21: #Exult.
a warrior who gives victory;
he will rejoice over you with gladness,
he will renew you[a] in his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.”
- — feel or show triumphant elation or jubilation."exulting in her escape, Lisa closed the door behindto rejoiceExult means "to rejoice" or "to be openly happy about." There is a sentence in the Bible which, in one translation, uses both words. Example: And Mary said, "My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit has exulted in God my Savior." --Luke 1:46,47.
exultation is the act of exulting; lively joy at success or victory, or at any advantage gained; rapturous delight; triumph while exaltation is the act of exalting or raising high; also, the state of being exalted; elevation.I wanted an image or images that made me think of God singing over us. And being victorious. Today, sitting on this row at the church I grew up at and where much of my family still are members, sitting with these sweet, smiling children, made my heart sing. It felt like a victory over doubt and confusion.And the image from The Sound of Music represents the victory of taking time to enjoy this tradition, and also the particular image exults in the power and victory of family love.Now I think I also need to add pictures of my husband and my mom!
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Looking for my straight path
Here’s to acknowledge I’m still not sure what image I will post today.
These likely will be the words:
And do not lean on your own understanding.
6In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Ideas that come to mind for the image would be something that represents a straight path from God for me.
Music. Family. Food? My husband? Rest?
Friday, December 18, 2020
All the joy!
This is a placeholder post for all the joy of this day, with acknowledgement that it followed several periods of less joyful moments. I’m grateful beyond words to express that joy was able to break through my cloud. I continue to give God thanks and praise, and I trust Him to continue answering my prayer for help in my times of distress.
Joys included the UMC virtual Christmas choir songs released earlier today, then tonight’s caroling with family and church family at Whaley. Love my husband, my mom and siblings and their families, and my church families, among so many others.
And I love the gift of music, which today was a joyous way to praise God and share the Christmas story.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
God provides
Advent photo challenge Day 18: #Provide.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Comforting images
It’s kinda funny that after today’s great Advent discussion session at noon, during which I heard great ideas and creative approaches to the photo challenge, I’ve gone even more literal than usual.
Advent photo challenge Day 17: #Comfort.
#rethinkchurch #GoodrichAdvent2020 #umcRethinkChurch #unitedmethodistchurch #ComfortsofChristmas2020
The session helped affirm many of the lessons and blessings that have come from this challenge.
There’s the blessing of the discipline. Just doing it.
There’s the blessing of being surprised by what God has in store. And what He reveals.
There’s the blessing of learning (and accepting) there’s no right or wrong way to do this.
There’s the blessing of appreciating and supporting the various approaches.
I’ve prayed each day as I contemplate the key word. And I’ve had fun. At first, the fun was a result of having to laugh at myself for making it so hard. Now, most days the fun comes along the way as I consider various photo options.
As usual, today’s image is not what I would have expected. “O tidings of comfort and joy” from “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” and “Comfort ye my people” from Scripture were the words that came to mind.
But the image kept being this stuffed kitty my sister gave me when I was in the hospital for emergency surgery and nearly a week of recovery in January 2016. Also coming to mind were the plants we have received to provide comfort in times of sorrow. And the cross just ties it all together.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Unexpected, perfect image of release
Today’s Advent photo challenge word definitely requires a supplemental blog post.
The word is #release. It was on my mind all day. Ideas ranged from “Frozen” and “Let It Go” to gathering up some accumulated items (clutter) to release by donating to charity. I had yet to follow through or find an image when I saw my friend Kimbra’s Facebook post. I commented that I might want to use it, and she said that would be fine.
I continued to consider my own ideas, but at the end of the day, her picture provided the perfect #release.
Advent photo challenge Day 16: #Release. I had several ideas but no image for today’s word. I was quick to #release my own thoughts after I saw my friend Kimbra’a Facebook post and received her permission to use this photo, which had this caption: “Horse release. They are out for the night. The stuff is supposed to stop in a few hours. It is small pebble-like pieces of snow. They had been up all day long. The barn is open so they can go into the barn if they want to. I really don't like this weather.”
What a great representation of some of the many ways to experience #release!
#rethinkchurch #GoodrichAdvent2020 #umcRethinkChurch #unitedmethodistchurch #ComfortsofChristmas2020
Sunday, December 13, 2020
#Carry — What a privilege and blessing
#rethinkchurch #GoodrichAdvent2020 #umcRethinkChurch #unitedmethodistchurch #ComfortsofChristmas2020
The rest of the story includes being recorded today, Dec. 13, singing my solo for a Christmas Eve program. It was an act of faith to sing it and trust the recorder and others who said it was fine. I didn’t insist on viewing and possibly asking for a do-over. Now I will have a sense of nervous anticipation until I see it, not unlike what I experience when I sing live for an audience.
In the meantime, I can carry this to God in prayer, asking him to help me keep my focus on Him and replace my anxiousness with His peace.
The rest of the story also includes some strange thing happening with a file where I keep daily notes. Last night, words started disappearing from the file. My attempts to save them were futile. I’m not sure why it happened. It triggered a range of emotions, many of them negative, about how I see myself: disorganized; inefficient; not good at remembering; unsure of what’s important.
I’m grateful beyond words for the power of prayer and the support of my husband to carry me through one of these strange and wonderful days that included snow, omelets, worship, singing, pictures, a call to my Mom and watching “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”
May I continue to turn to prayer and acting in faith to carry me above nagging negative thoughts. With God, all things are possible.
Saturday, December 12, 2020
This might be it!
#rethinkchurch #GoodrichAdvent2020 #umcRethinkChurch #unitedmethodistchurch #ComfortsofChristmas2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
Grateful for the challenge!
Finally! One I feel good about! It makes me grateful I didn’t give up on the challenge.
I came so close to giving up today.
I had to remind myself it’s a challenge. No one said it would be easy.
I kept thinking of seemingly unrelated blessings I’ve experienced in these days, and it now seems quite possible they are not unrelated.
One day at a time. Listen to God’s voice. The voice of truth. The voice of Emmanuel, forever and ever.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
As I was typing a title above, the best line came to mind, which would have lent itself more easily to an image:
Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see. From “Hymn of Promise” by Natalie Sleeth, if I recall correctly.
Advent photo challenge Day 11: #Revealed.
Monday, December 7, 2020
Tender moments
Advent photo challenge Day 8: #Tenderly. #rethinkchurch #GoodrichAdvent2020 #umcRethinkChurch #unitedmethodistchurch #ComfortsofChristmas2020
This one needs a blog post with #therestofthestoty!
The nativity set represents tenderly because that’s how I think of the moment just days before he died that my Daddy told me he wanted to have “the little animals” in the hall. I really did not know what he meant. Then I saw the box with the jade nativity set. It’s now a treasured memory and keepsake.
Tenderly also describes how I have to treat my emotions and efforts during this time of year. It’s so easy for me to become overwhelmed. Softly and tenderly God reminds me to trust in Him and to be gentle, kind and loving to myself and to others.
Tenderly. With gentleness, kindness and affection. Loving kindness. Tender loving care.
In one of my Bible reading plans today, as I prayed, meditated and contemplated regarding the Advent challenge word Tenderly, I wrote:
Nothing is coming on this one tonight. I thought God might give me my connection to Tenderly, the Advent word of the day. The lesson (reflecting on the song “Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming”) uses “tender” twice. But I don’t think that’s my image. Or is it? A rose? A Christmas rose? Or is it something with the tree or the nativity set and tender memories and tender handling of present moments? I trust God to guide me.
Of course, the nativity scene is also a reminder of how tenderly God came to earth in the form of a baby, Who would grow up to die on a cross so that those who believe in Him can be saved from our sins and have everlasting life with God our Father.
I humbly bow down in sacred awe in light of His mercy, love and grace.
Also include Embraced, a devotional with essays from Lysa TerKeurst that draws on Scripture to tenderly show me who and how I am and what to do about it.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
More than pictures
My Advent photo challenge continues to be much more challenging than I think it should be. I spend a lot of time thinking about it, plus praying and doing various versions of research. And still ... I feel as if I just randomly pick something.
Today’s word was “Perceived.” A lot of my thinking was along the lines of “that moment I first perceived ...” something, such as the pandemic is for real (toilet paper; face masks); this was going to be a good day (beautiful sunrise); etc.
My research sources included the Bible, online dictionaries and pictures submitted by others doing the challenge. The good thing about all of those is that they educated, informed and inspired me.
Another of my research sources was the photo album on my phone. Were there any photos that spoke to this theme?
That’s where I found the one I ended up posting.
Sometimes I have included extra words with the photo post. Today I just put the key word “Perceived” and the photo.
One reason I’m drafting this blog post is to help me remember the story behind the photo choice. When I see the cross and flame of the United Methodist Church, I’ve always perceived the fire of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, I now know others see racist imagery. And this clouds my perception.
I’m surprised that’s the photo I posted. I’ll be more surprised if I offer any explanation on social media. It’s more likely I’ll talk about it at our weekly Advent discussion, although it’s just as likely I won’t!
Something else I’ve perceived once more in this photo challenge is that I tend to come up with better perspectives “after deadline.” For today, I’m still ok with that.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
The word for Day 3 of the Advent photo challenge was “Kindle.” I had ideas, but enjoyed the discussion at a weekly Bible study group that now is focusing on this challenge.
One woman said a meaning of kindle is “something occurs that results in something else.” She also said something about open space becoming infinite potential. These spoke to me, although I’m not sure with which part of me they were communicating.
Getting on my knees later to pray for people who are always “in my prayers” — but do I really intentionally pray for them? — led to the answer to try to be intentional by using a candle during my prayer time. I prayed for God to be with these people and to help me know how to reach out if it was my place to do so. And I committed to praying daily, with the candle to help me focus.
Before the day was over, I realized I also wanted a cross in this space. I picked up the cross that best fit the space, and on the back was a handwritten note from the primary subject of my inconsistent prayers, who had given it to me for Christmas in 2012.
Between my faulty memory and often-displaced emotions, I had forgotten that this was the cross she gave me. After a moment of self-condemnation for not having remembered, I thanked God for this moment of connection with my Creator as well as my beloved goddaughter. I sent her a text saying I’ve been thinking of her and praying. It’s too late for her to respond tonight, and that’s ok.
A photo challenge, an Advent discussion, a prayer, a battery-powered candle and a small cross on a base with the word “FAITH” has kindled a needed renewal in my focus and faith in God.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
The joy of musical challenges
During the global COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, virtual musical performances have fascinated me. I've been blessed by many of the creative compilations that have been shared on social media.
Mid-November, I received an email from Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church about a virtual Christmas choir that I could join. I immediately knew I wanted to do it. But would I? Could I?
I shared the email with others I thought might be interested. Then I tried to prepare myself mentally for the hurdles I would inevitably face to accomplish this possibility.
I knew there would be technological challenges.
I was surprised to discover there also were linguistic challenges, as two verses of "Silent Night" were not to be sung in my native tongue. Could I learn to sing those words in German and Spanish? It helped to realize there would be enough people singing that I didn't have to be perfect. It also helped that I would have a vocalist singing along with the accompaniment coming through my earbuds.
The biggest challenge ended up being finding a place to record. Even though I often am involved in Zoom meetings, I don't have a good background for video. Even with this, I finally concluded the images for the virtual Christmas choir would be so small it wouldn't really matter.
So, this morning, less than an hour before the deadline, I uploaded my recording of "Christmas Medley."
And just minutes before the noon deadline, the upload was completed of my recording of "Silent Night."
I look forward to seeing how it all comes together. I feel certain it will be a great way to share the joy of Christmas. I'm glad I didn't let the challenges keep me from adding my voice to the virtual Christmas choir.
Open to the Presence of God in Advent
My days and topics are running together. It's confusing to me that Advent started Nov. 29, and the UMC (United Methodist Church) RethinkChurch Advent photo-a-day challenge started Monday, Nov. 30. Now it's Dec. 1, which seems like it should be the start of something. Instead, it's Day 2 of the challenge.
The challenge is to post a photo each day in response to a word prompt. I likely would not have given the challenge a second thought (after an ill-fated attempt last year) except it's what my Wednesday Bible study group decided to do for Advent. I'm still not sure how this is going to work out, but I was willing to have an open mind.
That open mind was helpful the first day, when the word was "Open."
My photo:
Nothing in the challenge instructions says to post an explanation. But I'm more of a word person than an image person, so it's hard for me to post a photo without sharing some words as well.
These are the words I posted yesterday:
I’ve signed on for the Advent photo-a-day challenge at my church. Open is the theme for Day 1. I’m open to the possibilities of trying again, this year with a group. I’m grateful for the opportunity to open awaited and unexpected packages received in the mail today. #rethinkchurch #GoodrichAdvent2020 #ComfortsofChristmas2020
Today's word was "Presence." It's easy for me to think of words to describe the meaning of presence this second day of Advent. I had doubts about coming up with an image.
It didn't help when I saw a post from the first day of last year's challenge, which I started but am pretty sure I didn't continue for long. I love the picture I posted, although I'm not sure what I was thinking for it to be a response to the word "Awake."
Here's that picture:
These are the words I put with it last year:
Awake. #rethinkchurch #advent2019photochallengeAll I can think now is that maybe Subi had just awakened when I took that picture. ...
When I posted the picture again as it showed up in my Facebook memories, I added these words:
Oh my! Like I said yesterday, I started the #rethinkchurch Advent photo-a-day challenge last year and don’t think I kept up with it. But what a great start it was! Subi!! Still looking for inspiration for today’s word: presence.
My sister's response:
Don't over think it. Presence has all kinds of possibilities.
I "liked" her response, but later came back to respond that my mind is blank sometimes -- including that moment.
So, again, today's word is "Presence." And this is what I came up with:
Advent photo challenge day 2: Presence. #rethinkchurch #GoodrichAdvent2020 #umcRethinkChurch #unitedmethodistchurch #ComfortsofChristmas2020
I’m writing a comment about why this photo represents presence — because otherwise I may forget.I had decided that when I went to get the mail, I would walk around the block to get some sunshine, despite the cold (and knowing it’s going to get colder). As I walked, I contemplated the word of the day: presence. Lots of things came to mind. But images? As I walked, I felt God’s presence in the beauty of the sunshine and even with all the tree limbs still stacked curbside waiting to be picked up. But the image that came to mind was the kitty that sometimes greets me along our green belt, which wasn’t where I planned to walk but is where I headed next. I was praying to know the right image for presence today, and when I topped the footbridge over the drainage ditch and saw the backyard where my kitty friend sometimes is, the sweet guy came running! I’m still smiling to think of that simple moment of God’s presence.