Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Thanksgiving & advent.

 Grateful November and the #30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanks is over. I’m continually baffled by how hard such a simple daily discipline is for me. And the final question seemed the hardest of all: 

Day 30 of 30 days of gratitude:
What talent or skill do you have that you are grateful for?

Ability to put aside my doubts & insecurities to offer my voice in songs of praise to God. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

And now it’s already the third day of Advent, although in some ways it seems like advent shouldn’t start until tomorrow, Dec. 1. The first week’s theme is hope. Which involves waiting. 

Gratitude & waiting. Expectation. Anticipation. 

I need to maintain an attitude of gratitude as I wait for God to fulfill His promises. 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Grateful for big & small things

 Today’s gratitude prompt asked what small thing that happened today am I grateful for. The answer was easy and is posted below. 

The big thing included all of the ways God worked for good in my marriage, at my church and in life in general, including the small thing highlighted below for Sunday.   

Day 28 of 30 days of gratitude (Sunday): What small thing that happened today are you grateful for?

The neighborhood kitty came out to be petted while we walked. It had been quite a while since Nala greeted us. Her sweet presence delighted me. 

Day 27 of 30 days of gratitude (Saturday): What small thing that you use daily are you grateful for?

The obvious would be my iPhone, for reasons stated previously. 

Day 26 of 30 days of gratitude ((Friday): What form of expression are you most grateful for? 

Words. Talking. Writing. Singing. Poetry. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Catching up on Thanksgiving

I was feeling peacefully grateful for not feeling compelled to post anything on my blog for Thanksgiving. And then this happened!

I started thinking about the days I’d failed to post on my #30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving commitment. And I couldn’t let the day end without trying to catch up. 

I’m pretty sure either choice would have been fine — catching up or letting it slide; maybe even giving up on a minor little discipline. A time may come when not writing is the right choice. But I guess that’s not today!!. 

Day 25 of 30 days of gratitude: What moment this week are you most grateful for?

About 9 am Wednesday. Seriously! (Although I won’t elaborate.) I’m also especially grateful for a moment late Wednesday afternoon. That’s when God led me to “Not That Far From Bethlehem” to sing for the first Sunday of Advent. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 24 of 30 days of gratitude: What challenge are you grateful for?

The need & desire to overcome negativity, despair, complaining & victimhood. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 23 of 30 days of gratitude: What tradition are you grateful for?

I’m fond of many Texas Aggie traditions, including kissing after the football team scores. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 22 of 30 days of gratitude:
What story are you grateful for?

The story of God’s love & redemption & how He never gives up on His creation. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 21 of 30 days of gratitude (Sunday): What song are you most grateful for? Impossible to choose just one. Today, it’s “He keeps me singing,” after hearing Mom share about its importance to her!!  

Day 20 of 30 days of gratitude (Saturday): Who in your life are you grateful for? 
How do I choose? So many!! Every day, I thank God for my family, friends & fellowships of faith & recovery. When I list names, it almost always starts with Gene & Mom. 

Day 19 of 30 days of gratitude (Friday): What touch are you grateful for today? The touch of my husband’s hug as we left for separate trips. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving

Day 18 of 30 days of gratitude: 
What piece of art are you grateful for? 

I’m posting the first thing that came to mind. Even though she’d be the first to admit it’s not her best work, I like that it was done by a dear talented friend. And it represents a turning point in my life for which I also am grateful. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 17 of 30 days of gratitude: 
What knowledge are you grateful for? 


#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 16 of 30 days of gratitude: 
What about your body are you grateful for? 

Health. Strength. Resilience. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 15 of 30 days of gratitude: 
What season are you grateful for? 

The one I’m in. That’s easy to say when it’s fall. Summer used to be my favorite, and winter the one I was least grateful for. As I strive to give thanks & praise & glory & honor to God in all things, I am learning to appreciate winter as well. I just don’t want another one like this most recent one. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 14 of 30 days of gratitude: 
What sight are you grateful for today? 

Worship on a screen when I’m fighting off a cold. Children’s time. Baptism x 3. A beloved choir. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 13 of 30 days of gratitude: 
What abilities are you grateful for? 

Singing. Encouraging. Determination. Commitment. Perseverance. Communication. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 12 of 30 days of gratitude: What texture are you grateful for?

I’m most grateful for soft. A kitty’s fur. A cozy sweater. A warm blanket. A baby’s skin. A gentle touch. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 11 of 30 days of gratitude: What holiday are you grateful for?

I’m especially grateful for Thanksgiving, Christmas & Easter. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 10 of 30 days of gratitude: What taste are you grateful for?

I’m going with salty, choosing among the standard 5 tastes that also include sweet, sour, bitter & savory (aka meaty or umami). 

As much as I like sweet tastes, salt seems much more practical & satisfying in the long run. Mostly, this question makes me grateful I can enjoy a wide variety of flavors by mixing & matching tastes. 

And I’m thankful to be OK, for a day or two, to take a break from finding photos to illustrate my gratitude.  

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving 

Day 9 of 30 days of gratitude: What place are you most grateful for? 

The Davidson farm came to mind first, then Whaley Memorial United Methodist Church. It’s all about foundations, connections, memories. Other homes, farms, churches, schools, lakes & parks also have places in my heart & on my gratitude list. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving

Day 8 of 30 days of gratitude: What book are you most grateful for? 
The Bible! No question about it. This picture also includes elements of the Day 7 topic: a memory for which I am grateful. That would be Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, by which we are saved, which we remember each time we take Holy Communion. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving

Day 7 of 30 days of gratitude: 
What memory are you grateful for? 

This may be a little too cheesy, but today I’m going with Hideaway Pizza. Lots of lunches with co-workers — and in later years, gatherings of former co-workers. Meanwhile, Gene & I continue to make our own Hideaway memories. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving  

Day 6 of 30 days of gratitude:
What in nature are you grateful for? 

I want to say “everything”!
My first thoughts were blue skies & sunshine. Plants. Animals. Seasons. Cycles. Growth. Change. Resilience. Rhythm. Beauty. Variety. Vitality. Sunrises. Sunsets. Rainbows. Rain. Clouds. 

I settled on time!! I was grateful to spend a little time in the sunshine on the neighborhood trail. Yesterday I was aware of a lack of fall color in the trees. The beautiful red greeted me today. Another example of why I’m grateful for time in nature: Time has a way of bringing delightful changes & surprises in nature. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving  
Day 5 of 30 days of gratitude: 
What sound are you grateful for today?

I was pretty sure this would be music, likely from a celebration of life I debated whether I should attend. I did attend, and I was blessed beyond measure. I restrained myself from recording or taking photos. But these songs stayed with me, along with a new appreciation for “Through It All” and “Jesus Will Still Be There.”

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving  

Friday, November 5, 2021

Days 4 & 3

 Day 4 of 30 days of gratitude: 

What food are you most grateful for?

The food I choose to be most grateful for today is oatmeal, made from old-fashioned rolled oats. It’s a hearty, comforting & nourishing staple to which I can add a variety of other flavors & textures. And sometimes I enjoy it plain!

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving  

Day 3 of 30 days of gratitude: 
What color are you grateful for?

I’m grateful today for green, the easily overlooked hue of the stems that support my beautifully colored cut flowers. 

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving  

An amazing day of grace & blessings

Day 5 of 30 days of gratitude: 
What sound are you grateful for today?

I was pretty sure this would be music, likely from a celebration of life I debated whether I should attend. I did attend, and I was blessed beyond measure. I restrained myself from recording or taking photos. But these songs stayed with me, along with a new appreciation for “Through It All” and “Jesus Will Still Be There.”

#30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving  

I hope to write more soon about why it was so hard to decide and how God showed the way to go. 


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Day 2 of thanks!

 Gratitude & thanksgiving are essential to my well-being. Each day, I try to remember to be grateful to God & give Him glory, honor, thanks & praise in all circumstances. 

My words & actions often fall short. I’m grateful I can recommit to gratitude, optimism & positivity whenever I become aware I’m off track. 

So, here I am on the second day of November. Yesterday, I started seeing the social media posts about #30daysofgratitude #30daysofthanksgiving and similar “challenges” (or maybe opportunities is a better way for me to view it). I wanted to join in but couldn’t think of where to begin. 

The hard part for me is narrowing it down. I’m grateful for everything!!! I posted some words on my blog and thought I would just leave it there. 

This morning, I can’t resist joining in the daily challenge. I’ll start by saying I’m grateful I can start my 30 days of thanksgiving a day late. I’m also grateful for the various prompts I’ve seen, including the one posted by Stephanie Bredesen and the Simple Gratitude guide I picked up at Whaley UMC. 

A smell for which I am grateful is cinnamon. The fragrance is a part of so many favorite flavors and warm feelings for me. Cinnamon Apple Spice tea comforts me on these chilly first days of November. 

Monday, November 1, 2021


 I’m inspired by the folks who post something for which they are grateful each day in November, with the hashtag #30daysofthanks or something to that effect. I entertain the idea of joining them. And each time, I’m stumped! Will I ever not overthink things?!?!?

For tonight, I’m grateful I can be grateful without posting on social media. It would be fine if I did. And it’s fine that I won’t.