Reading through my blog posts for May, I identified a hopeful theme. I’m letting go of set agendas or expectations. I’m willing to see things from new perspectives, and to believe there’s more than one way for an outcome to be good. God is showing this to be true, and I am grateful.
Monday, May 31, 2021
Saturday, May 29, 2021
As if I need a reason
I’ve recently become aware that I think I need a reason to enjoy time in the sunshine.
Lately a proliferation of weeds in our yard has provided the needed focus to enjoy the sun’s warmth. Something about pulling dandelions by the roots from soft, moist soil soothes my soul.
I’ve been told I shouldn’t think I need a reason to enjoy time outside. Old thought processes die hard. Until they do, I’m grateful to notice little things I can do to maximize my time in the fresh air.
Monday, May 24, 2021
What brings me joy
Singing. Music. Serving.
I need to lean into this reality as I learn the songs for Vacation Bible School.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Let go
Let go and trust God has been my guiding phrase in recent weeks. It’s short-hand for Proverbs 3:5-6.
This weekend, I hoped it would help me also be willing to let go of some clothes that have been in my possession likely more than 30 years?
They are in the donate box. Time will tell.
It’s still possible I will keep them, relying on the “lean not on my own understanding” part of the scripture passage.
Either way, I’m grateful I can let go and trust God.
The diagnosis involves leg pain.
It could just as easily have applied to my brain.
And in some ways, it does.
Meanwhile, even though the diagnosis seems to fit, I’m not crazy about the treatment. So I’m slowly pursuing secondary opinions.
Either way, I’m grateful and hopeful about a possible, imminent resolution to a nagging health concern.
Saturday, May 15, 2021
It’s May 15 and this is my first post for the month. That’s in a month that already has included Angela’s graduation weekend and Mother’s Day. I’m grateful for experiences. I’m grateful to be willing not to blog regularly, even though I still WISH I could do it easily and therefore it wouldn’t be a problem to do it consistently.
As it is, I’m grateful to realize it hasn’t been a priority. It also wasn’t today. At this moment, I’m unsure whether the sudden thought and act to make a post was God’s will or a distraction from His will for me today. Either way, I know and trust God will allow me to learn and grow as He continues to work all things for His good.