Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Thinking of life’s sweet music!

 As I turn the page to another September 

I’m grateful to stop & take time to remember 

Rich blessings of family, friends, life & spirit

Sweet music of life! To hear it! To share it!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

On time!

 Getting much better at it this trip!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wonders of nature

 Someday I will post more South Dakota pix. Today I’m enthralled by the vegetation at Chickamaw Beach. Two years ago we were here in September & the leaves were changing colors. Who knew it would be just as splendid in August? #wonderofnature #glorytoGod #minnesotawildflowers

I really enjoyed catching up on Goodrich’s Aug. 14 worship service while walking along this beautiful secluded lane in Minnesota, wondering what wildflowers I would see around the next corner & whether the light mist would turn into rain. (It did not.)

P.S. The sermon theme was Wonder!

And yesterday I was enthralled by Mille Lacs smallmouth bass!

Monday, August 22, 2022

Placeholder, just because

When we get to La Crosse I hope to do some catch-up posts about South Dakota part of our trip — and maybe the strange twists with Wordle. 

And about the anniversary that is getting closer. Make note that I’ve decided I’d be good with spending anniversary on our farm with a new efficient air conditioner. And my cute little soft B.A.S.S. bear!

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Worth noting

It occurred to me two days later, as I was thinking about how I might like to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary, that this FB post from Friday, 8-5-22, could help. 

Date night included a $1 truck wash in Norman; stopping at Tractor Supply in Moore, then giving up on the wait lists at 2 restaurants before opting for salads & ice cream at Braum’s (still  in Moore); then on to OKC’s The Paseo First Friday for a little smooth jazz & to see the opening of Renee Lawrence’s latest featured gallery show at Contemporary Art Gallery. #datenight

Jim Shepherd’s comment: Any date night that includes a stop at Tractor Supply promises to be an epic evening!  A dollar scrub and a Braum’s dining experience is literally the cherry on the top. If you’d gone home after that, the evening would’ve been perfect!  (I included the two contractions to get a rise out of your editorial soul. 😎)

My reply/ Jim Shepherd I’m good with contractions, as long as they are used correctly. 
Meanwhile …
What makes TS even better is what Gene bought, but I won’t go into that. 
And did I mention we stopped at Walmart in Moore on the way home to save a few cents a gallon on gas & get a 2-liter A&W Zero Sugar Root Beer I haven’t been able to find in Norman??? 
And BEFORE ALL THAT (!!!!) we got our 2nd Covid boosters, so today I feel like … I’ll just say I’m grateful I should feel fine again soon!!

Today, I was reminded that I do best when I let go of expectations & enjoy the moments, however they unfold. Putting Gene first is a big part of this. And trusting God. (I can only put Gene first if I’m trusting God to take care of me; trusting that God knows better than me what I need.)

I think back to my wedding & honeymoon, wanting situations & experiences to satisfy some internal longing. I ended up with a sense of disappointment even when things were good. I was wanting external circumstances to fill inner, spiritual needs that can only be met by God. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Could be an important milestone

 Rough notes for a blog post. 

Very grateful for cloud cover that kept the temp in the 80s this morning while Gene chopped & I helped load limbs from a tree that fell during a recent storm that blew through Cooke County. Almost as soon as we were finished, the sun broke through & before long it was 100 degrees!! The weather wasn’t the only reason the hard work on the farm felt a little more gratifying today. #iykyk #farmlife #whatsnext


I believe God wants me to be a good helpmate to Gene as we take the next steps into our future on the farm. Pray. Trust. Obey. Love. Be generous, gracious, loving, forgiving, kind — bearing fruit of Spirit. Giving God all glory, honor, thanks & praise.

Verse: “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Cor‬ ‭10:31‬

Life app: “While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins. “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.”” Luke‬ ‭21:1-4

This widow gave all she had to live on, in contrast to the way most of us handle our money. When we consider giving a certain percentage of our income a great accomplishment, we resemble those who gave "a tiny part of their surplus." Here, Jesus was admiring generous and sacrificial giving. As believers, we should consider increasing our giving-whether of money, time, or talents-to a point beyond convenience or safety.

Response: Both of these speak of not withholding from God myself or what God has given me. They resonate with new meaning & hope as Gene & I take ownership of the French/Gilliland farm. I pray we develop this land to God’s glory.