Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Quiet gratitude

My start to Lent didn’t involve ashes or worship at church, but it did include quiet gratitude for hot water late Wednesday after two days without. The heat & air guys got quite a workout bringing things up to code as they replaced our 42-year-old (!!!) water heater! #focusonGod #faithinGod #lent #startwhereiam #daybyday #gratitude #ThankYouGod

(And I was able to participate in Ash Wednesday worship (without the ashes) via the Whaley United Methodist Church livestream! Thank you!)

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The party

I’m still in need of that spiritual reset. I didn’t celebrate Fat Tuesday or Marci Gras, unless my usual lack of discipline counts! 

I was thinking I’m not ready for Lent. On second thought, how I am may be precisely ready, at least in the sense of being in need!

In a year that has started with the sports teams I follow starting strong — & then tumbling mightily — maybe it’s fitting the Aggies are beating #1 Auburn on Fat Tuesday. It’s the first time Aggie men’s basketball has beaten the top-ranked team, & this win ends a four-game losing streak for the Ags.

I think there’s a spiritual message for me, I’m just not sure what it is. 

Maybe the party’s over?

Bring on Lent!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Time for a reset

My sports teams are all letting me down.
I think there’s a message for me: let it go. 
Turn my eyes upon Jesus. 
Just in time for Ash Wednesday & the start of Lent & preparation for Easter.