Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday 2015

My pre-Lent prep on Tuesday had me thinking I ought to try a partial fast for Ash Wednesday. But even the very relaxed guidelines -- just one full meal, two additional small meals if needed, and no solid food between meals -- seemed like more than I was willing to try on a work day. 

Then I read something on Wednesday morning -- a list of 40 things to give up for Lent -- and  No. 1 was fear of failure. Just for today. So I decided to go ahead and try.

Not eating between meals is about the hardest thing for me. It required me to think often of what Ash Wednesday and Lent are all about. Of course, when I think of all that -- ultimately that Jesus Christ suffered and died on a cross to save me from the eternity in hell I deserve for my sins -- then a little fast doesn't seem that hard at all. 

I made it through the fast. It was a good experience. I want to be willing to truly sacrifice for my faith and for God's glory. So far, I never really have. And I'm still not optimistic I will. 

For today -- this Ash Wednesday and first day of Lent 2015 -- it seems the best I can do is not quit trying. 

 I am grateful for God's unconditional, immeasurable love. 

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes  in Him would not perish but have everlasting life." 
-- John 3:16

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