Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter reflections

Before I went to bed last night, I wrote in my journal that I didn't feel spiritually or physically ready for Easter. Of course, I knew something that would help would be to read Scripture. I read to the part where the women leave the sealed tomb. I started to read the rest of the story, but decided I should wait until this morning.

It was a good plan. After reading the resurrection account on through to the Great Commision first thing this morning and then participating in worship filled with messages and songs of faith, hope, praise and truth, I was powerfully aware that my Redeemer lives. "You ask me how I know he lives? He lives within my heart!"

And whereas the sunrise is often the strong resurrection symbol of Easter, today in Norman, heavy rain clouds that burst with lightning, thunder and rain were the perfect accompaniment for celebrating God's great gift.

This has very much been a Lenten season, Holy Week and Easter of the heart. I haven't felt as outwardly emotional about and involved in the various aspects, partly due to changing routines. One of the strong messages I received during this time was affirmed during the sermon today. Because of Easter, I have hope. I am an overcomer through Christ. There is NO reason for me to let life bring me down. I pray to live my life in joyous service to God through Christ.

My heart is filled with love and gratitude. I pray that others also experience this -- and that we humbly and joyously let it overflow in service and kindness to others.

Because of computer troubles, I haven't been able to include links to my Easter songs on my blog. They are on YouTube under SpiritPatricia. They are Easter praise, Good Friday meditation, Good Friday contemplation and Holy Week Communion Song.

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