Sunday, February 28, 2021

So much for finishing well

February was full of ups and downs. As usual, the last day of this short month snuck up on me. I feel like I have a ton of unfinished business. 

It’s odd how knowing that tomorrow is the start of a new month makes it harder for me to blow off today’s Lent photo challenge. The word, as it is each Sunday during Lent, is #celebrate. Last week, I was excited to see that #celebrate would be the Sunday word each week. Tonight, the images I think of posting don’t seem spiritual enough. That’s a pretty sure sign I’m not trusting God. 

I went through a version of this yesterday, which my picture for #rise was a puzzle I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. to finish, making it hard to get up the next morning. 

That was along a string of photo posts that “seem” too light-hearted.

As I’ve said, when I don’t think things are “right” or “good enough,” it’s a sign I’m not trusting God. I prayed. Now I need to trust. 

I need to trust God with all my loose ends, unfulfilled intentions and uncharted plans. And now my phone is acting weird, so I’m gonna post this as-is. Maybe I can come back in to edit it. Or not. 

Maybe I’ll fix it when I log on to my computer tomorrow. I’m done with this for now. 

Thank You, God, for mercy, love and grace that reminds me even this is OK. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Photo challenges

This Lenten photo challenge is really causing me to struggle. Overall, so far,  I’m much less pleased with the images I’ve posted compared to those I posted during the Advent challenge. 

In December, even when I had doubts about the photos I selected to post, I invariably discovered the meaning not long afterward. The result was a sense of wonder at how God was showing me unexpected things. 

As of day 8 of the Lent challenge, I just now finally posted something for Day 7, when the word was #name. I have no idea what or when I will post for today’s word, #everlasting. 

For #name, I went with the illustration Renee did for my card on my last day at work in 2016. The idea I was striving for was connecting name to identity. The artwork includes kitties, a mustang convertible, a Texas A&M flag and a United Methodist cross & flame, among other images and symbols. 

I’m still overthinking some. I’m trying to find inspiration in my Bible reading, which I also am behind on. Even as I feel like I am struggling, I’m glad I haven’t given up. I still think God will be revealing something I need to know through this discipline. 

Last night, I think it was good for me to let the day end without posting. However, I did not like when after 10 tonight it seemed like I might go a second day without posting. I’m grateful an idea finally came that seemed worth posting. 

I also take heart in knowing some in our group haven’t posted at all or haven’t posted much. And some have posted images that truly amaze and inspire me. 

I’m getting to see what it feels like to just do what I can and move on. For tonight, I am grateful.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

#living -- Day 2 Lent photo challenge

 Lent photo challenge day 2: #living. #goodrichlent2021 #rethinkchurch

As I commented on my Facebook post, this one felt kinda like cheating, because it's a video I originally recorded and shared in January. But it expresses well the source and the experience of life worth living. 


(I'm seeing that the videos I share from my YouTube aren't visible from my iPhone. They show up on my desktop computer. I have no idea whether anyone else can view them. Someday maybe I will figure this out. This would be a video of my singing the first verse and chorus of "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart.")


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Lent Photo Challenge Day 1: #Covenant

I signed on to the RethinkChurch Lent 2021 photo-a-day challenge. The pastor and several members of my church did the photo-a-day challenge for Advent and decided to do it again for Lent.

I can already tell it will be as challenging during Lent as it was during Advent. And so I can hope and believe it also will be as rewarding.

I started the Advent challenge with not only a picture, but quite a few words of explanation. 

For today, I didn't post extra words on social media but did post three pictures instead of just one. 

Part of the experience for me during Advent was to also include the pictures on my blog, often with "the rest of the story." Time will tell, starting tomorrow, whether this season's blog posts will be "the story" or "the rest of the story."

The story today is that three people in our group posted their photos before I did, and each one was so much better than anything I could think of. 

"I wish I had thought of that!" 

But I didn't want to copy what they did. 

So I posted something that, to me, seemed lame (my go-to word for my estimation of my results on this challenge). 

The pictures are fine: images representing Ash Wednesday and Lent. 

But what does that have to do with "covenant"? 

If God taught me anything through the discipline of the Advent challenge, it's that I will find out!

Let the learning begin! 

(Already, I'm sure at least part of it is that I can trust God. He keeps His promises.)

Thank you, God, 



Ash Wednesday to the max!

As is often the case, I wasn't ready for Ash Wednesday.

As also is becoming routine for me, I responded by signing up for numerous Lenten Bible studies and reading plans. This year I added a photo-a-day challenge and also attended two online worship services.

Nearing a year into a global health pandemic that requires social distancing, and nearing a week of subfreezing temperatures, including a couple of days that dumped 3-7 inches of snow in central Oklahoma, why not?

I have no strong expectation of finishing everything I started. In the past week and months, I've seen many instances where God makes a straight path out of my frantic, haphazard hopes and plans.

He brought my husband safely home to Norman from Oklahoma amid the first major round of this snowstorm and flight cancellations. He set me on a path to visit church members, including one who had fallen and was in need of prayers and encouragement. He's shown me when to lift my voice in musical praise to Him and share it with others. He's gently reminded me that I am not alone -- and that He places people in my path to help me, but most of the time I need to be willing to not only ask God in prayer, but also reach out to another person.

As usual, the hardest part for me will be to get my thinking out of His way. I know God created me and gave me this amazingly active mind. I also know that sometimes when I think I'm overthinking, God later shows me the purpose in my second (and third and fourth and so on) thoughts. I just have to keep seeking Him through prayer and Bible reading/study; listening for His voice; responding with faith and action; and giving Him all the honor, glory, praise and thanksgiving.

I'm grateful that both Ash Wednesday services I participated in drew from the United Methodist Discipleship Ministries lectionary planning guide. I love that the theme -- "Rend Your Hearts: Claiming the Promise" -- combines solemn and fulfilling components. I need both at different times, and sometimes simultaneously.



This has rambled. Once again, it's bedtime and I'm not really finished. God willing, I will come back to this and other recent posts and fill in the gaps as needed during the coming 40 days (not including Sundays) that comprise Lent. 

For today, I'm grateful for this robust start to this next season of my walk with God.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

There will be an awesome Valentine’s story of God’s great faithfulness

Please join me in praying for traveling mercies for my Valentine and any others who were trying to make it home before the airports shut down due to the snow. #greatisGodsfaithfulness #positivementalattitude #inallthingsgivethanks #valentinesday2021

Yay!! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! My Valentine is home! And huge thanks to Steve Clay for picking him up at the airport. I owe you, man! #glorytogod #valentinesnowstorm2021 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Sunshine & service

Yesterday, I was freaking out about the forecast & dire predictions. I know God hears my prayers & is always with me, but I wasn’t feeling it & starting to feel pretty alone in dealing with this. I woke up to another cold day but the sunshine sure helped lift my spirit. I thanked God for the sunshine & some good news from my husband, then bundled up in my insulated fishing gear & delivered Lenten packets to a dozen or so families on my side of town. It was so good to be able to do something for others! #Godisgood #gratefultoGod #glorytoGod #prayandgivethanks

I received so many kind responses to this post on Instagram and Facebook. I composed a clarification, but maybe I’m not giving my friends enough credit. 

This is what I wrote but now think I won’t post: 

I hope and trust you all know I did not post this for praise. It’s more like a testimony to encourage me and others. It affirms what I know to be true but often resist doing: Helping others is key to helping oneself; it’s essential for my spiritual and mental health.  All glory to God! (And I do appreciate every sweet response!)

It doesn’t really make sense to me not to post it. It’s just a gut feeling that at this moment seems to be from God. 

Not unlike the gut feeling to pick up those Lenten bags on Thursday, which I found myself questioning why on Friday as the snow kept falling. Today God showed me why. 

May I continue to trust God!

(And now, after revising the second post, I may go ahead and post it. Or maybe I’ll sleep on it and decide tomorrow.) 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Covid musings

 I’m in Phase 4, said to be the last 500,000 eligible in Oklahoma (population about 4 million). The good news is that means I’m healthy, young (relatively; under 65) and don’t have obligations that require me to be around others. And it keeps me aware of the need for those in front of me to get their vaccinations. The bad news is: What’s wrong with me that I’m relatively young and healthy and not filling some essential role!?!?!? ❤️🙏🎶✝️❤️

Sunday, February 7, 2021