Saturday, June 30, 2018

Celebrating 50!

I'm not sure what it was like for the rest of my siblings, but when the youngest turned 50 on Wednesday, the effect for me was as real or more so as when I hit the Big 5-0 myself. That was nine years ago.

(Earlier this year, I realized my mind was playing tricks on me and I thought I was still 58 several weeks after my March birthday. So you can tell that I'm really looking forward to 60!)

The good news is that people (including my five siblings) of my age and older have come to believe 50 is the new 30, and 60 is the new 40, and so on. The bad news is that, sure, we can say those things, but it doesn't take away aches and pains and tiredness and memory issues I never thought I would be experiencing short of 60, much less 40.

But as I heard several times through the celebration of baby sister last Saturday and her actual birthday, getting old and all that goes with it sure beats the alternative. And I think we will all agree with that!

This is one version of the birthday tribute I did for Amy. It's adapted not only from "Walking After Midnight," but also "Relay Walking (After Midnight)," which Amy wrote a few years ago to help promote Relay for Life of Noble County in Perry, Oklahoma. Little did she know that she would be co-writing her birthday tribute song!!!!!

Baby Sister Amy’s 50 
(to the tune of "Walking After Midnight"

Amy’s FIFTY. There’s no denying:
Over the hill now; time to face this sad, sad truth.
She’s turning FIFTY. Time keeps a-flying.
Bye-bye to youth!

Baby Amy, there’s no defying,
You’re getting old now, and there’s nothing you can do.
You’re turning FIFTY, we hear you crying:

You’re tired and you’re achy; so hard to stay awakey,
But that’s something that you must do ….
As long as you’ve got kitties, there’s no time for self-pity.
Those ’Doodles are counting on you!

You’re turning FIFTY, and that ain’t nifty.
Getting old stinks, no matter what you think or do.
You’re turning FIFTY, we share your pity.

You’re tired and you’re achy; so hard to stay awakey,
But that’s something that you must do ….
There’s relay, hoops and work, plus family, friends and church
So many are counting on you!

O baby sister, there’s no denying:
Getting old sucks and might make you want to cuss.
But here’s the bright side, no cause for crying.
You’ll be fine! Just look at us!!

(OH NO -- BOO HOO!!!)

Baby Sister Amy's 50


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Inspiration from "The Voice of Truth"

From the first time I heard Casting Crowns' "The Voice of Truth" on the radio more than a decade ago (just checked and it was probably 2003-2004, which is almost impossible to believe!), I identified strongly with the message. Oh what I would do to have that kind of faith .... to climb out of my boat onto the crashing waves ...  to step out of my comfort zone ... to stand before a giant ...

I also quickly recognized it wasn't a song I would be likely to sing. It wasn't in my vocal range, and it had way too many words to get straight.

It's a song that has continued to be played on contemporary Christian radio, and its message continued to resonate each time I heard it. But I still never really considered adding it to my collection of solos I can sing with accompaniment CDs.

Then I volunteered earlier this year to do a program for the United Methodist Women unit at my church. As I worked on the program, about identifying and responding to our spiritual call, the words and imagery of "The Voice of Truth" kept playing in my head. It speaks of how my tendency is to let fear hold me back, rather than listening to God's voice of truth that tells me not to be afraid and to step out in faith.

So I started learning the song to sing when I did the program.

Both times I was scheduled to give my program, it ended up not working out, first because I got the flu, and the second time because the meeting was canceled due to weather concerns. I wondered if I would ever share the song, which I didn't think would stand on its own for worship.

When the opportunity to present a solo at worship last Sunday presented itself, I tried to think of what would go best with the sermon and Father's Day. None of the songs I have done before seemed right. I thought about "The Voice of Truth," but it seemed like a stretch. I couldn't shake the idea, though, so I began to practice it again.

And that's when I realized that it didn't seem like a song I would be able to sing effectively. The vocal range is too wide, and there are too many words with a rock beat. But I'd already given the title for the printed order of worship. so I reminded myself it didn't have to be perfect. I just needed to do the best I could and hope that somehow people would be able to understand enough of the words to get the point of the message.

It ended up going much better than I could have imagined.

I am glad I didn't let obstacles keep me from sharing this message of faith.

When I posted it to Facebook, I noted that the Father’s Day litany at Goodrich UMC made me think of my dad and Gene’s dad and others who spoke and speak truth into our lives. I dedicated “The Voice Of Truth” by Casting Crowns to the memory of the encouragement, support and words of wisdom of Charles Davidson and Curtis Gilliland.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

So into solfege

My word of the day for June 12 (and still atop the list on June 13): solfege.

I've decided to turn an obstacle into an opportunity.

I'm facing a little fear.

So far, so good!




Friday, June 8, 2018

Relay reflections

It was a simplified #RelayForLife in Perry, OK, on Friday, but the emphasis on cancer awareness and fundraising was as strong as ever.

It was 94 degrees with a heat index of 105 when we arrived before 7 p.m, but fortunately the breeze made helped it feel much better within an hour as the sun was partially hidden behind low clouds.

The team I was on just had two members, my sister Amy and myself, but we outdid ourselves with fundraising. And with just two people, it's easier to come up with 100 percent participation from start to the 11:30 p.m. finish.

And Amy brought bubbles, which kept the walking fun.


 #TeamOrangeCrush. #BubblesMakeEverythingBetter