Saturday, December 31, 2022

Different & good (child at heart)

For many reasons I won’t explain tonight, the video Gene took for me Christmas morning was perfect to post on social media this final day of 2022. It’s of me sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, wearing Christmas cat leggings & playing on my guitar & then singing along on “Silent Night” to the best of my ability, which isn’t too good. But I love that smile! It’s the smile of a little girl who knows she is loved. 

I thank God for His mercy, love, grace, blessings, opportunities, forgiveness, peace, power, joy, strength, salvation & all He is, does & offers! I pray that all, including me, who are in need of any of those or other good things will seek God first, casting our cares on Him, in faith & with thanksgiving, trusting & obeying & giving Him all glory, honor & praise, as we turn the page to 2023. New year’s blessings to all!  

#goodbye2022 #turnthepageto2023 #childatheart #childagain #christmascats #musicformysoul #differentandgood #glorytogod

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas peace & joy

 It was another full & fun Christmas Day. I didn’t put up the big tree this year because I thought we would be gone most of the week. Then we weren’t. So I got out a small tree & the “little animals” after the Christmas Eve communion & candlelight service last night. This morning, we made a pit stop in Gainesville at Mom’s (where I got a glimpse of Stormy!) on the way to see Mae & Michael in McKinney. Besides a great meal & presents, we enjoyed looking at photo albums passed down by Gene’s parents. Even though we didn’t go to church today, I was filled to overflowing with the spirit of God’s great love that Christmas is all about. It brings peace & quiet joy. I am beyond blessed & humbly pray that God will get me out of the way of me so I can share His light with others. #christmasjoy #christmaspeace #christmas2022

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Finding my joy

How does it happen that I don’t feel joy at 10 pm on Christmas Eve? Lord, please help me & forgive me. You know me better than I know myself. You sent Your son to save & redeem me. How I need You! 

I want & think I need to express love & joy? But how? Maybe tonight it’s ok or right for me to stay silent with God. I am praying to know. 

Looking for photos w/Gene added to stress; I guess it stirred memories, including of lost years with Mae & Michael. Then I ate a bunch of almonds, which didn’t sit well on my already upset stomach. I haven’t played any chords; I didn’t record a song; & at this point I’m pretty sure I won’t. 

I’m grateful it’s OK to just let everything go & sad it’s necessary. I’m disappointed with myself & so very grateful that God’s grace, by my faith in His Son, is sufficient to cover my many sins & shortcomings. I pray for God to help me focus on Him in faith & love; to come & adore Him & to rejoice that my Lord & Savior came to save me! Love came down & dwelled with us on Earth to become the payment for our sins & to restore us to a right relationship with God. Alleluia! Joy to the world! Thank You, God! 

(Later I shared a beautiful song shared by a friend on Facebook; and then I recorded my rough guitar rendition of Silent Night, although I don’t think I’ll be sharing it any time soon.  I still don’t know if I feel joy. I do feel peace. Acknowledging that I feel peace may have opened the door to joy. Regardless & above all, I am grateful & I praise God!)

Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas with the family

Always a good time. I just wish we had a little more of a spiritual, “reason-for-the-season” focus. 

Thoughts about the Longest Night

This will be a make-up post. The Longest Night was Wednesday, December 21. I’m logging this placeholder Dec. 23. I hope to fill in the details soon. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! JOY!!!!

 I should have posted this Sunday. I’m grateful I was able to be part of the Festival of Christmas Music presenting “Joy Has Dawned.” I love being part of a mass choir accompanied by orchestra. The program also included several amazingly beautiful handbell pieces. The focus on the joy of what God did at Christmas was a blessing on a weekend of dreary weather. May music of faith be my sunshine. 

Next: Sing my soul …

Thursday, December 1, 2022

A new set of steps

I attended my second virtual meeting of Clutterers Anonymous tonight. I admit I am powerless over my clutter. It is disrupting my life & my relationships. I’m powerless to overcome this on my own. I am thankful there is a group of people like me who are working 12 steps & using tools & other resources, working together to get better. I can’t do this alone. I want to believe I can do this with the help of God & this program. I pray for willingness & ability. I thank God that there is a program for Clutterers & that I have found it. 

Thankful anyway, always

One of the last things I wanted to do for my #monthofhanksgiving was to post on my blog before going to bed. Shortly after waking up on Dec. 1, I realized I had not posted. The part of me that likes to meet my self-imposed quotas & deadlines was miffed. I’m grateful to realize they were self-imposed quotas & deadlines; they don’t matter in the big scheme of things. So I can be grateful & joyful anyway. And so I will. 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Unexpected song of Thanksgiving

I just realized that I did not post a video of me singing Now Thank We All Our God and-or Be Present at Our Table, Lord. Maybe God had other plans, as Becky asked me to pray over our meal. So I said a silent “yes” and “thank You” to God, then I sang & prayed from the heart. I’m grateful I was able to seize the moment I believe God orchestrated for me to express thanks to God. 

I trust God that it was enough for today. I don’t need to push to record a video or anything else. I’ve thanked family & God. I’ve been present. I feel God’s peace & am grateful.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Month of thanksgiving!

I’m so grateful for constant reminders of God’s goodness, presence & blessings. Great is His faithfulness. 

Monday, October 31, 2022

Accepting what is

I am what I am. 

My life is what it is. 

It’s ok to not participate in Halloween. 

It’s ok to have a pretty slow day. 

I’m not missing out. I’m just making different choices. 

I can have great experiences without sharing them on social media. 

It’s also true that it often seems selfish not to share wonderful experiences. I know how much I enjoyed seeing Becky’s expression of gratitude by sharing pictures of some of her favorite moments of October. 

It truly is worthwhile to focus on the positive — & not dwell on the “what ifs” & the things I didn’t get done. 

I can only do that as I pray to God, receive Him, trust Him, obey Him & give Him all glory, honor, thanks & praise. I know I’m doing it when I receive His peace that surpasses my ability to understand, to guard my heart & my life in Christ. 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

So grateful for spontaneity

Fishing in Venice got cancelled so Gene called an audible & we ended up in College Station for Fightin’ Texas Aggies Midnight Yell & gameday versus Ole Miss. I’m really glad we were able to act on the opportunity! 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Brain fog

I didn’t need Covid to experience fatigue & brain fog. Someday I will write about it. This is a placeholder. 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Walking without me

 The Cleveland County CROP Hunger Walk was a great success. Goodrich Memorial UMC showed up in a big way — even though I was unable to after testing positive for Covid & still displaying symptoms. I’m grateful I knew to be grateful. All glory, honor & praise to God!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

What have I been doing?

Wow! It’s Oct. 15 & I haven’t posted anything on the blog this month. I did not realize that.

It’s surprising since the month included the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame festivities. 

The month hasn’t included actual fishing & maybe not even any sunset adventures.

It has included spending at least a few minutes daily trying to play some chords & become familiar with a guitar. 

It’s also included CROP Walk prep. 

Perhaps most important, it’s included less “excitement,” anticipation & drama — & more acceptance of life as it comes. That’s a positive change. 

Friday, September 30, 2022

A good month

The fact that I haven’t written much here this month doesn’t mean there’s been nothing to write about. It’s been a very good month; it just hasn’t inspired me to write.

Perhaps the biggest developments for me were claiming music as one of my main passions; discovering I had a keyboard stored under the bed in the front room; and buying a guitar for $25 when I dropped off some donations for a garage sale. 

These three developments are tied to growing willingness to trust God & step out in faith, even when I can only see one next step at a time & even when the steps don’t seem to me to be moving me toward my destination. 

Pray. Listen. Obey. Trust. Give God glory, honor, thanks & praise. Prepare to be blessed!!

Sunday, September 4, 2022

40 years & so grateful!

Grateful & blessed. It was good to worship with family & friends at Whaley, where 40 years ago today Gene & I got married. Instead of a wedding anniversary reception today, Ryan’s Backyard BBQ followed the church service. 

Some years, I’ve perhaps resented being a cheap date. Today, it was a blessing. The barbecue & sides were better than any we’ve had at a restaurant. 

It was raining when we left the church, so Gene dropped me at Mom’s while he looked at window air conditioners at Home Depot. After that he mowed, then we went fishing, where we enjoyed a peaceful evening with a few catches and a glorious sunset. We wrapped the day with ice cream from Braum’s. 

#simplepleasures #glorytogod #gratefulandblessed

(And the next day I caught a big one! Then we went and bought a queen size mattress. We didn’t get the air-conditioner until our next trip to the farm. It all worked out! #stillgratefulandblessed)

Friday, September 2, 2022

No place like home

I love to travel. 

My home is modest. 

There’s still no place like home. 

That said, I’m quite aware I’m at home more than just at this house. 

Home is where the heart is. 

My heart is comfortable here & at the farm & with extended family & at Whaley. 

For that & so much more, I am grateful.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Starting September right

Hal took us for an encore float on the Mississippi River today. I just wanted to go & didn’t care whether I caught anything; I’d leave the catching up to the guys. And for the first hour that’s how it went. Then I started reeling ‘em in too. By time we needed to leave, I was like young Pat at an amusement park or concert — I did not want it to end. I’m grateful to Hal & Gene & God! #sweetmusicoflife #startingseptemberright #mississippiriver #bassfishing #goxoutside

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Thinking of life’s sweet music!

 As I turn the page to another September 

I’m grateful to stop & take time to remember 

Rich blessings of family, friends, life & spirit

Sweet music of life! To hear it! To share it!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

On time!

 Getting much better at it this trip!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wonders of nature

 Someday I will post more South Dakota pix. Today I’m enthralled by the vegetation at Chickamaw Beach. Two years ago we were here in September & the leaves were changing colors. Who knew it would be just as splendid in August? #wonderofnature #glorytoGod #minnesotawildflowers

I really enjoyed catching up on Goodrich’s Aug. 14 worship service while walking along this beautiful secluded lane in Minnesota, wondering what wildflowers I would see around the next corner & whether the light mist would turn into rain. (It did not.)

P.S. The sermon theme was Wonder!

And yesterday I was enthralled by Mille Lacs smallmouth bass!

Monday, August 22, 2022

Placeholder, just because

When we get to La Crosse I hope to do some catch-up posts about South Dakota part of our trip — and maybe the strange twists with Wordle. 

And about the anniversary that is getting closer. Make note that I’ve decided I’d be good with spending anniversary on our farm with a new efficient air conditioner. And my cute little soft B.A.S.S. bear!

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Worth noting

It occurred to me two days later, as I was thinking about how I might like to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary, that this FB post from Friday, 8-5-22, could help. 

Date night included a $1 truck wash in Norman; stopping at Tractor Supply in Moore, then giving up on the wait lists at 2 restaurants before opting for salads & ice cream at Braum’s (still  in Moore); then on to OKC’s The Paseo First Friday for a little smooth jazz & to see the opening of Renee Lawrence’s latest featured gallery show at Contemporary Art Gallery. #datenight

Jim Shepherd’s comment: Any date night that includes a stop at Tractor Supply promises to be an epic evening!  A dollar scrub and a Braum’s dining experience is literally the cherry on the top. If you’d gone home after that, the evening would’ve been perfect!  (I included the two contractions to get a rise out of your editorial soul. 😎)

My reply/ Jim Shepherd I’m good with contractions, as long as they are used correctly. 
Meanwhile …
What makes TS even better is what Gene bought, but I won’t go into that. 
And did I mention we stopped at Walmart in Moore on the way home to save a few cents a gallon on gas & get a 2-liter A&W Zero Sugar Root Beer I haven’t been able to find in Norman??? 
And BEFORE ALL THAT (!!!!) we got our 2nd Covid boosters, so today I feel like … I’ll just say I’m grateful I should feel fine again soon!!

Today, I was reminded that I do best when I let go of expectations & enjoy the moments, however they unfold. Putting Gene first is a big part of this. And trusting God. (I can only put Gene first if I’m trusting God to take care of me; trusting that God knows better than me what I need.)

I think back to my wedding & honeymoon, wanting situations & experiences to satisfy some internal longing. I ended up with a sense of disappointment even when things were good. I was wanting external circumstances to fill inner, spiritual needs that can only be met by God. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Could be an important milestone

 Rough notes for a blog post. 

Very grateful for cloud cover that kept the temp in the 80s this morning while Gene chopped & I helped load limbs from a tree that fell during a recent storm that blew through Cooke County. Almost as soon as we were finished, the sun broke through & before long it was 100 degrees!! The weather wasn’t the only reason the hard work on the farm felt a little more gratifying today. #iykyk #farmlife #whatsnext


I believe God wants me to be a good helpmate to Gene as we take the next steps into our future on the farm. Pray. Trust. Obey. Love. Be generous, gracious, loving, forgiving, kind — bearing fruit of Spirit. Giving God all glory, honor, thanks & praise.

Verse: “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Cor‬ ‭10:31‬

Life app: “While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins. “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.”” Luke‬ ‭21:1-4

This widow gave all she had to live on, in contrast to the way most of us handle our money. When we consider giving a certain percentage of our income a great accomplishment, we resemble those who gave "a tiny part of their surplus." Here, Jesus was admiring generous and sacrificial giving. As believers, we should consider increasing our giving-whether of money, time, or talents-to a point beyond convenience or safety.

Response: Both of these speak of not withholding from God myself or what God has given me. They resonate with new meaning & hope as Gene & I take ownership of the French/Gilliland farm. I pray we develop this land to God’s glory. 

Sunday, July 31, 2022

July 31 placeholder .

 I’m creating this file because I’m sure I’ll want a July wrap-up & don’t see it happening tonight. This will stamp the date. Yay!!

Saturday, July 23, 2022


 I can hardly believe I’ve gone 10 days without posting about the unexpected souvenir I brought back from New York. (It’s what I was going to post Thursday, but a spectacular sunset distracted me.) Things I’ve read since then remind me of my calling to write about & share the hope & goodness & gratitude & lessons from various experiences in life. I’m truly not looking for sympathy — I’m wanting to express gratitude because I know my painful situation could have been so much worse. The two reasons I haven’t posted are because it didn’t lend itself to pictures & I don’t know how to keep it short. But I’m gonna try!! 

When I couldn’t get the door to my Bonnie Castle hotel room open after I unlocked it on Wednesday, July 13, I pushed hard — and when it opened, my right hip handed hard on the wooden floor. Ouch!!! 

That was Wednesday, July 13. Since then I’ve learned a lot about my body. A bruised hip can really hurt, even when nothing is broken or dislocated. Ice & ibuprofen are my friends. I need to become friends with patience — because getting in a hurry not only hurts but likely will cause the pain to intensify & endure. Just because I could walk & move without excruciating pain didn’t mean I should. And certainly when the pain was intense, I should rest. Why was that so hard?!? Two days spending 11 hours in the truck riding back from New York weren’t overly painful; getting out & moving when we stopped was the challenge! 

On the 9th day after my fall, as I was searching the internet while walking slowly (and more painfully than expected) to the lake to see the sunset, I realized I had somehow missed the recommendations to rest & elevate the bruised area. The 10th day (today) I figured out a way to elevate it without special equipment, and it does help with the pain. And I’m forgoing my beloved sunset walk, although missing my walk doesn’t help with my mental health. I’ve had to pray in faith & with thanksgiving for God to help me keep my focus on & faith in Him, & to not drift into self-pity or frustration. I’m hopeful that a bit of rest & relaxation today will make it more feasible to go to church tomorrow. 

I started this on Facebook but am moving it to my blog, the place where I stash a lot of my writing that to me falls short of what I had hoped to express. It’s the place where I give myself permission to come back & try again, to fill in the gaps … 

In other words, there’s likely more to come on this topic … 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Real life

 I’m grateful for something April Shepherd shared from Phyllis Shirer (?). 

I’m also grateful for this post from Stephanie Ihbe

Do you ever wake up questioning your purpose in this world? That seems to be me a lot lately. 

My reply: I do & the answer I finally accepted is one I hope you will find for yourself: It is to receive God’s love & to share it with others. 

And you — precious beloved child of God Stephanie Ihbe — are doing that, day in & day out, in so many important ways!! 

Taking Proverbs 3:5-6 to heart, planting it in my soul, has been transformational. Trust God & not my own thinking & understanding.  When I look around & into the past, I see God is faithful to keep His promises. I truly have to let go of my own thinking every time I find it standing between me & trusting God! (And that was almost always until about a year ago.)

I pray in faith & with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6-7) that you will receive the answers you need & that you will experience God’s peace that surpasses your ability to understand, to guard your heart & mind & life in Christ. 

You are amazing & it breaks my heart to see you continue to doubt yourself. 


I think the Shirer quote gave me courage to respond from the heart to Stephanie. I thank God & pray that He be glorified  

This is what it means to trust God. Do what is right in the moment. Put love of God & others before worrying about how Gene will react. Trust God to take care of Gene. And trust God to take care of me. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Blogworthy revelation

 In reply to Chris Wells’ FB post of an “Inconvenient Truth” (“We are quick to condemn preachers who make the gospel too easy but hardly say anything about those who make the gospel too hard.”) and someone’s comment (Salvation is easy, sanctification is hard/work process. But if you never attempt sanctification are you saved?): 

My experience is that I’m continually “attempting sanctification,” falling short, & being saved by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. It’s beyond my ability to understand. Not giving up on God is harder work than one might think. So many do give up. I’ve come to believe God is in & honors the struggle some face in simply not turning away.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Milestone (minor, still meaningful)

 I just noticed I topped my original Wordle streak as of yesterday, as solving to word FLUFF put my streak at 78. The previous streak ended at 77 on April 19 when I couldn’t come up with FOYER in six tries. 

Friday, July 1, 2022

A hot start?

Not really. Good enough. Bring it on. 

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Not catching up tonight

Many things happened in June that were worth writing about. I just didn’t get it done. This placeholder post comes from my hope that springs eternal that in the coming days I’ll have a moment & want to look back & fill in the blanks about great moments that included sunsets, walks, singing, laughing & hanging out with family & friends. Also some moments where the benefits of praying & then being patient were experienced. So much gratitude for each step of faith & progress. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Too close for comfort — but not for gratitude

 Whew!! I feel like I dodged 2 bullets today, coming too close for comfort to highly distressing situations.

This morning, as I was walking on the sidewalk toward Robinson at the light after dropping off the truck at Firestone, I stumbled & was falling forward several steps until I finally regained my balance. Until the very last minute I was sure I would end up sliding along the sidewalk on my knees & hands, which I’ve done a time or two in the past with painful & ugly results. I was grateful to be able to catch myself. I doubt it was pretty. I’m just glad it was effective. I sang praises all the way home!!

Later, when I got home after seeing chiropractor for the first time & shopping at Sam’s, I couldn’t find my iphone. I didn’t hear it ring or buzz when I called my number in the house or in my car. I called Sam’s to see if a phone had been turned in. No. So I drafted an email to Gene. I decided to look again in the house & car & call the number. This time I heard it ring in my car. Again, I was grateful & relieved to avoid having to deal with a lost phone.

Too close to calamity for comfort — but moments of distress & discomfort are perfect opportunities to practice my faith, continuing to pray & trust God. And when the dreaded situations resolved without incident, all the glory, honor, thanks & praise goes to God!

Way behind on blogging

It’s one of those months where I’ve been busy living & haven’t taken time to blog. Highlights I may want to write more about include the event at Pickwick Lake; Gene’s birthday; vacation Bible school at Whaley; and the Siegmund family reunion. Maybe this little placeholder post will help me not forget. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Be a light

God is love & light. At the very least, He wants us to let His love & light shine through us. It’s not that hard. It’s a choice. And the blessings will surpass any momentary suffering, inconvenience or distress. 

Everything from Bible readings to 12-step devotional to a call from my sister testified to this truth today. 

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memories & legacies

While walking with my husband, we were talking about legacies & wills. I blurted out that I’ve come to think that for all that people say they will never forget others, that surely some people from the past are forgotten — unknown — by any now living on the earth. 

And the good thing about this thought, for me, was to see how that can be OK. It fit in with the idea of our eternal/heavenly legacy being more important than how we are remembered on earth. For this Sunday of Memorial weekend, I find this comforting & freeing — and I am grateful. 

(This also helps me not feel as guilty about my faulty memory when it comes to honoring those who have passed on. Sigh.)

Friday, May 27, 2022

Pony pride

I’ve had my 2008 Pony 13 years & 210,000+ miles & she’s still turning heads. For at least the 3rd time this month, a stranger today shouted out “love your car.” It catches me by surprise & always makes me happy that the car I enjoy also brings a smile to others. (For those keeping score, this is my second one. I ran my 1995 GT version for 13 years & 300,000+ miles. I think it will always be my favorite.) #somethingaboutamustang #2008mustang #fordmustang #mustangconvertible

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Could it be?

Just for today, I hear God telling me He knows the people who seek Him through His Word & prayer will have varied views of what He is saying. He wants us to look beyond the details to the essential truths. 

How do I honor the details as God reveals them to me while allowing others to honor the details as God reveals to them; all under the most essential truths, including that God is love; God is holy; God is creator; God is Lord; God is the final judge; God is working for good; God desires for all to come to Him, be freed from sin & find true life? 

Pause. Pray. Listen. Respond in faith. Trust. Give God glory, honor, thanks & praise. 

Friday, April 29, 2022

Wordle wisdom

I think the images say it all, although likely not in order. I may try to straighten it out later. For now, I just want to get it in the file. 

(Lillie-Beth Sanger Brinkman was the other who got it.)

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Did it happen if I didn’t blog?

I just noticed I didn’t document the end of my initial Wordle streak at 77.  It was fairly peaceful & I picked right back up with the game. My new streak is at 9. The game is still a fun challenge, and that’s good enough for me. 

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Good enough, indeed!

By the grace of God, by my belief in the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ, yes, my feeble faith is good enough. It is a good foundation to grow in grace & truth & love & service. And I am grateful, this Easter Sunday & always. 

(Plus this: Found a hat & some flowers to put on it if only I knew how! I will do a quick online search. I bought a needle & some upholstery thread. I wonder if that will work? It’s 9:30 pm. Is this worth praying about? My prayer is to know whether to take time to try to figure it out. To enjoy a moment of creative opportunity & be willing to let it go if it takes too long or does not seem to be working out. I think the main thing tonight is to not be afraid to try, & to let myself enjoy the experience. FOLLOW-UP: I did seize the moment of creative opportunity & God rewarded it by letting my deepen my Easter joy!) 

(And this, added Monday: We fished Sunday afternoon & into the evening, about 3 to 7 pm. Caught some good ones. Aware of my tendency to judge whether that was an acceptable way to spend Easter afternoon. The answer to my prayerful inquiry was always yes — it is good to spend a beautiful afternoon at the lake with Gene; although I start to wonder again as I hear Gene habitually cursing God as something has gone wrong while he is mowing Monday morning. Even so, I know more may be revealed.) 

Thursday, April 7, 2022


I’m off to a slow start on the blog in April. I decided this social media post was worth copying here. 

Success! For many people, this would be nothing. For me today, this is victory! I could tell something broke when I flushed to toilet. I’m here by myself today. We have another bathroom. Why even bother to try to fix it? That certainly wasn’t on my to-do list today. For some reason, instead of ignore the problem, I got my trusty fix-it guy on the phone. I think I was hoping to get approval for waiting for him to come & fix it. Instead he said he would talk me through it, if I wanted to try. I said I’d like to try if I thought I could succeed. I feared I’d just get frustrated & give up. Next thing I knew, I was making the effort. And fairly quickly, at least a temporary fix was made. I am grateful. #littlesteps #stepsofprogress #iykyk #goodenough #inallthingsgivethanks

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

A good enough march into Lent

Lent got off to a precarious start for me, as I was at the Bassmaster Classic in South Carolina & didn’t have a chance to attend or watch an Ash Wednesday worship service. It’s been good for me that two churches I support, follow & attend as often as possible are using the same theme. It’s helped reinforce the message of “good enough” as I look at everyday life from a fresh perspective. 

One suggestion highlighted the value of trying, whether it be something new, something I had given up on or even something totally offbeat, absurd or silly. 

A lot of it has to do with acceptance — seeing things as they are & embracing the good. It’s always there if I look for it, praying to see as God sees. 

Good enough. For me, it’s possible only with God’s grace, through my faith in Jesus Christ, as my sufficiency. What an amazing gift!

Friday, March 11, 2022

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Another very good trip

 The definition of a good trip may be changing. One of the best parts, without a doubt, is making it safely home. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

No fish for Evan

 It was still good to spend the day on Pickwick Lake with Gene & Hal. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Two days later …

The 2022 Bassmaster Classic is two days past & I still have no words …. 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

A day late & right on time

Our Lenten theme is Good Enough. So, yes!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

No ashes, no worship

For the first time in a long time, I didn’t worship in person or online for Ash Wednesday, and I don’t have a spiritual plan of action for Lent. 

It’s 11:17 pm Eastern Time & I’m praying for God to receive me as I am, with all my imperfections. Only by His grace am I made good enough to be accepted by Him. I’m grateful for His grace. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Choosing gratitude, graciousness & joy

Each sunrise brings a new opportunity to choose to be grateful, gracious & joyful. Thanks to my friend Suzette for the reminder & motivation. #sunshinestateofmind #southcarolinasunrise #inallthingsgivethanks

That was a good thought, illustrated with an image of the sunrise as seen from our Hilton Greenville hotel room, on the first day of March. 

I had to come back to those choices several times today — after I locked myself out of the hotel room; realized when I turned back after walking more than a mile away from the hotel that I’d been going downhill; after I dealt unsuccessfully with a shortage of hot water for my shower; and after I stumbled downhill off a curb, breaking my fall with the base of my hands. 

I expect to continue to need to be reminded that I have choices as one of my busiest weeks of the year continues. 

Fortunately, even with the pitfalls, there was an abundance of exceptionally nice experiences & blessings. The sunrise. Breakfast & dinner with my love. Walking in fresh air & sunshine. Beautiful gifts. Good food. Evidence of God all around in the wonder of nature & the kindness of people, including the waitress who brought me a big bag of ice for me to hold my hands on while waiting for & during dinner. 

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. I don’t know whether I will make it to a place where I can have ashes placed on my forehead. I feel confident God will guide me to a meaningful start to Lent if I allow Him to. I pray to choose to be willing as well as grateful, gracious & joyful. 

Monday, February 28, 2022

Classic transition

 This space is reserved for a post to look back at February & into a busy month of March, with the Bassmaster Classic, Ash Wednesday, my birthday & many other opportunities. 

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Relating to a game

 Wordle 251 4/6





This is yesterday’s. I’m thinking I may start sharing a day later (if at all) so as not to give clues. It was also my first day of playing before I got on social media (because when I get on FB, I always find clues, and that seems like cheating). On the other hand, maybe the comments & clues are part of the fun. It’s just a game!! 

Also: This took me an hour to get!!

One hour!

As I’ve said many times, this puzzle/game would not be for me if there was a time limit (other than the 24 hours!). The deadline would stress me out. 

It also would not be for me if I only got one or two “not in word list” chances.

As it is, I should probably set a timer for myself each day. 

Meanwhile, I’ve learned that it’s not true that I can’t focus. I CAN concentrate, just not on important stuff!! 😂🙃🤣

Monday, February 21, 2022

Fun with words

I’m not sure when I created this post. It was an empty, untitled file. Now it’s 2-21-22. Which reminds me, tomorrow is Super Twos-day: Tuesday 2-22-22  

Before that came to mind, I was thinking I could easily place some words about Wordle here. 

The word game has become a simple pleasure. I’ve played 21 days, figuring out the puzzle in 2 to 6 tries each time. 

I like the simplicity & that there isn’t a deadline or time limit, other than having to play within the 24 hours the puzzle is available, and my own amount of time I’m willing to commit. 

As a word person, it gives me a sense of satisfaction each time each time I figure out the word. I’m hopeful I also will feel grateful for the challenge when I finally break my streak, as I know will happen, either through forgetting to play or not being able to solve the puzzle in the allotted six tries. 

As I commented in various Facebook posts, mostly in response to others: 

Response to a friend who broke her string 2-17-22: I’ve not been playing long. I’m kinda obsessed. I’m also prepared to be ok when my streak is over. I was quite surprised at how quickly I got hooked on Wordle. I wouldn’t even look to see what this mysterious thing was for about 2 weeks after I started seeing friends share. Then I took a peek, tried a puzzle — and I was hooked. For about a week I didn’t share my results. Now … My name is Pat & I am a Wordle addict!!

Response to another friend 2-20-22 (she said it looked like I had a great result on Wordle; getting it on second try): Yes, it appears to be. It’s a crazy combination of luck, patience, perseverance& fascination with words for me. If it had a time limit or deadline, I wouldn’t be interested.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Pretty Pat is ready to sing again!

And sing she did!! 

Editing to come (maybe) …



‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, p.462. 

Probably verses 1,2&4, but maybe just 1&4. Either way, with an interlude, during which I MAY recite Proverbs 3:5-6. I saw a video of a child who did it this way & it delighted my heart & soul. 

See you Sunday!

Sylvia: That will be very nice!

Pat: Thank you. I hope so.

(Didn’t send:  Little Pat, aka Pretty Pat (especially to her Grandpa & aunts on her Daddy’s side), of about 4-6 years old, really wanted to be that little girl on FB. Maybe it’s not too late!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

No place like home!

I thank God for the traveling mercies that brought Gene safely home from Lake of the Ozarks despite the winter storm of sleet & snow that moved in. Overjoyed to see him drive up. All glory to God!

I’m also grateful for crazy examples of my distraction, as this word person/detail oriented/longtime editor fell hook, line & sinker for 2 of 3 online jokes. I’m grateful I was able to laugh at myself. 

And I pray a couple of messages sent as I could not contain my inquiring mind are well-received & cause no negative repercussions for Gene. I’m lifting these up to God in faith & with thanksgiving for Who He is & all He has done & is doing. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Crazy start to February!

The Mustang had been in the garage with the top down since last Monday. I thought I would keep it down when I went to run errands today but even at 60 degrees, with clouds & a breeze, it seemed chilly, so I closed it. After the first stop, I put the top back down. Even without sunshine, I couldn’t resist before the wintry mess arrives tomorrow. #readyforsummer #goawaywinter #willanyonenoticemyhaircut

Then, before the night was over, I gave in to the temptation & played the latest viral fad, Wordle. Every day before this I felt grateful to avoid becoming even asking or searching to find out what it was. But I keep seeing it. In a moment of weakness — I played, “won,” then shared my results on Facebook. Dang!! 

Then I edited the privacy so only I can see it. 

I actually enjoyed the puzzle. I just don’t need to get hooked on playing & sharing. Even tonight, it distracted me from more important things as I try to settle in for the next few days that could bring snow, ice & way too cold temperature. 

(Notes to self: 1-xxxxx (already forgot the first day’s word) 6/6;

 2-moist 4/6; 

3-shard 5/6; 

4-pleat 4/6; 

5-aloft 2/6

Monday, January 31, 2022

A good end to a long month

 I was glad to be able to go fishing with Gene on the beautiful last day of the first month of 2022. Then we went to see mom & her latest amaryllis bloom. 

Grateful & blessed. 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The time was right.

Tonight I tossed the Christmas plants. 

The amaryllis blooms were done. The paperwhites showed no evidence of any more blooms to come. 

I enjoyed the anticipation & wonder of the plants for a full month. I enjoyed taking pictures of their development & sharing them on social media. I had some good conversations with Gene about plants & fungus gnats & bulbs & roots & composting & letting go. 

Reading online that it’s acceptable to just enjoy the plants for a season & then toss them was helpful to me. I don’t know why I think I needed permission. I just did. 

I’m grateful for the experience of growing & enjoying. I’m also a bit relieved to have let them go. It was time.

I hope & pray to know when “it’s time” to let go of the next thing. 

(I realize that I also let go of something else today, realizing it was time. I let the choir director know Sunday is not a good time for me to sing a solo. Making the decision frees my mind to focus on other things. That was also a key reason it was time to let go of the plants — until I did, I would be occasionally thinking about then, wondering when & how I would.)

Saturday, January 22, 2022

A s-l-o-w process

Two years ago, a counseling session opened my eyes to the reality that I hang onto things — such as books and my birthday roses long after they die & dry out — for a reason. These things serve a purpose for me. 

The counselor’s reaction to my expression of shame for hanging on to things was unlike anything I had ever experienced. You mean, this doesn’t make me bad or flawed or less than? She assured me it did not. 

She also promised that, in time, I would be willing to let go of things that I no longer need. 

It’s a healing process. It’s a process that requires acknowledging the wound, feeling the hurt, accepting that it won’t go away instantaneously. 

A couple of interesting notes: I did eventually choose to toss out that year’s birthday roses & some books I’d held onto. Somehow tied to this, I started occasionally buying cut flowers at the grocery store, enjoying them for their moment or season, and then letting them go. And now I may be doing it with Christmas plants. 

One thing that I wish is that I knew where to toss them for compost. I guess that’s like wanting to recycle things I’ve finished using. I’m still working on really being OK with tossing something after I have received its value. I guess it still seems selfish and not good stewardship. (Maybe I need to see if the Boundaries book addresses this.)

Later on the day I drafted this post (Thursday, Jan. 20), a trusted friend offered two wise suggestions, neither of which I’ve acted on, although I remain hopeful I will heed them. 

First, she said don’t overthink it. Obviously, I’m still doing it, because I don’t trust my initial thinking. She said just throw out the plants. 

I keep thinking … what if they aren’t done flowering? … they still bring me a certain amount of joy & wonder … it seems wasteful to toss plants that might still have some beauty to show … what if I miss out? … can’t I see that I’m spending too much time thinking about them still? … 

The other thing she said is that if I throw them in the trash, they will be picked up by the trash collector & eventually make their way to the landfill, which could be viewed as a means of composting, going back to the land. Hmmmm. Something to THINK about? But Lord please save me from overthinking.

So far (Saturday), both plants are still in the window. The amaryllis has two new blooms. I had hoped to be ready to let them go by today. It’s still possible although not looking likely. 

Maybe as a result of this process something similar will be easier next time. 

Letting go is hard to do

I was pleasantly surprised to get two more blooms from the amaryllis. 

However, I’ve come to the realization, sadly, that I’m too obsessive-compulsive to grow flowering plants. I spend too much time trying to figure out what to do next. 

Is it hard for anyone else to know what to do with plants when they are finished blooming? 

It just doesn’t seem right to throw them in the trash. 

I think it will be simpler for me to enjoy occasionally buying cut flowers. It’s easier to toss then when they are done.

Meanwhile, my obsession/compulsion also manifests in picture taking & posting. I spend more time than you might think just taking pictures & trying to decide which ones to post!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Is it time?

 For everything there is a season …

I’m grateful to realize it may be time to let go of the plants we brought home after Christmas with my family. 

If I can follow through with this today, I’m hopeful it will be a step toward letting go of other things that have served their purpose. 

I’ve built a lifelong habit of hanging on to things long past their season. 

I’m still learning how to know which things are worth keeping for sentimental reasons or for valuable ties to the past; for helpful information they contain. 

It is a process. It’s a slow process for me. I’m grateful for each step of progress. 

May letting go of these living creations be a worthy part of the journey. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Cold reality

I can’t express how grateful I am that I could take it easy & rest while experiencing cold symptoms. I wish I could say that doing so causes a cold to pass more quickly. I don’t think it does. 

I’m also very grateful for a supportive & caring husband; a warm home; hot soup; and telephone & internet connections with family & worship services. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Apparently, I let the chilly atmosphere & some time management issues keep me from seeing THE MOST AMAZING SUNSET EVER!!! 

Usually I remember to at least look out my kitchen window when I return home before sunset, just in case it becomes spectacular. This time I got busy & distracted — plus my phone died. 

Fortunately, when I turned my charged phone back on after dinner, I saw that EVERYONE ELSE I KNOW took & shared great pictures. 

I grabbed a screen shot of a set of Kimbra’s as evidence of what I missed!

(And at least I got to pet my friendly neighborhood kitty friend! Plus, my Cypress Lake pre-sunset pix would have looked pretty good most other nights!!)

 #oklahomasunset #missedagoodone #allisgood #godshandiwork #inallthingsgivethanks #addictedtosunsets #sunsetaddict

(Almost as amazing as the sunset is that I’m not beating myself up over missing it. For whatever reason, that’s often been my reaction. Not today. I’m grateful for a healthier response. And amazed!)

Monday, January 3, 2022

Brave new me (by God’s grace)

So, I just did a thing today that I normally would stop myself from doing. 

I posted a comment on a newspaper website ( regarding sports columnist Berry Tramel’s piece about OK State football coach Mike Gundy saying the Cowboys can make it to the “blue blood” level with lots more funding. 

Pat_g wrote: “Someday, someway, someone needs to buck the trend that the only way to reach the next level (in sports or anything else) is to ask for more money. There’s already too much money involved in sports. (How’s that working for the Dallas Cowboys & the Texas Aggies?) I know it takes money to support a strong program. I’m not as sure it takes as much money as some programs want to throw at it. Keep doing the right things the right way. Sure, keep communicating the need for financial support & keep showing love for the support. Just be careful not to let the financial aspect become the most dominant focus.”

I thought long & hard & said a prayer before hitting “submit.” 

This follows yesterday’s social media plea to know why I hadn’t seen any posts from my churches, encouraging us to start the year with Sunday worship despite the cold. 

Less public but also new for me, before the newspaper comment today, I responded to the daily email from the Denison Forum: 

“As I read [what was written] about naming things, this occurred to me: Is it possible we name things to establish a relationship or connection, rather than as an act of power? That makes more sense to me in some cases. It helps make sense of why we want to know our friends’s names, etc. The thought came to mind as I read the sentence about Davy Crockett’s rifle. I think I & many of my friends name our pets or cars or phones or whatever because we relate to them as companions or friends. Thank you for your fresh insights, as always. Blessings & peace. Pat Gilliland”

I think all three are responses to something I read in one of my many new reading plans, books & journals on Saturday, the first day of 2022. Something about not being afraid to use my gifts. Somehow interpreting that to mean use my voice. 

Key aspect: Don’t be afraid. 

Don’t be afraid to try.  

Don’t be afraid to explore.

Don’t be afraid to make a mistake.

Key aspect: Be willing. 

Be willing to try. 

Be willing to explore. 

Be willing to trust God. 

Be willing to learn. 

Be willing to receive grace. 

Be willing to forgive. 

Be willing to make amends. 

Be willing to trust God. 


Sunday, January 2, 2022

Blessed by covenant renewal & communion

 I’m very grateful I reached out on social media for encouragement & made the decision to attend worship in person. Remembering it was Communion Sunday & the Covenant Renewal service helped sway me.

My original post: 

Who’s going to church this frigid first Sunday of 2022? I haven’t seen any social media posts from Goodrich or Whaley encouraging me to rise & shine & gather in person to give God the glory. Today may be a great day to give extra thanks for live-streaming & for the leaders & volunteers who make it possible. @goodrichmumc @whaley_church

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Anticipation & wonder

I seem happier when I find things to express & share on social media. For better or worse, it is true. So I was uplifted by posting photos of my blooming ziva paperwhites a few minutes ago. 

The post mentioned the anticipation & wonder of a new year or day or project — or a budding plant. 

I’ve tried to avoid having expectations this New Year’s Day. I’ve tried to keep my focus on God, to let Him lead & guide. Trusting Him to help me explore & find my way with new year plans & goals & hopes & dreams. I realize the social post may have been an answer to prayer (& also realize lack of a social post would have been an answer too). 

I’ve started several Bible reading plans & at least 2 journals today. Again, I’m trusting God to guide me as I explore & find my way. 

I just realized something else, that I’m surprised I didn’t go social with a post after braving the cold this afternoon to buy groceries. Some days, that would have been automatic. 

A couple of other strong awarenesses:

Gene & I didn’t make a Christmas or New Year’s picture. And it’s ok.

The transition from 2021 to 2022 seems incredibly mundane. More than once since yesterday, I was amazed at how much more exciting things seemed last year. And still, this year’s good news is this: It is OK.

Just for today, I truly believe I’ll know when it’s time to take photos, make decisions, post on social media. So I won’t have to spend time worrying or even wondering. I can reserve the wonder for the amazement & awe as anticipation gives way to new realities, opportunities, creations & experiences.