Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Thanksgiving seems a lot different from my unemployed perspective. 

I'm not talking about the gratitude for blessings despite not having a job, although that is very real. Or even the equally real gratitude I feel for my husband and circumstances in our lives that make it unnecessary for me to be actively seeking a job at this time. 

I'm talking about how preparation for a holiday always involved days of doubled-up deadlines -- some of the busiest days ever working at the daily newspaper. And how hard it was to take off the Friday after, because no matter how many people were off, the same amount of work had to be completed. 

Interestingly, without that stressful prep, this year I've often lacked awareness it is Thanksgiving week. I am not proud of that. 

I do count my blessings every day. I express gratitude to God and also try to make sure those around me know I don't take blessings and kindness for granted. 

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