Monday, August 27, 2018

More complicated truth....

My good intentions are often to do more things that would help others, and I default into just doing what helps me or those closest to me. 

Sometimes my good intentions involve stepping out of my comfort zone. I default to familiar actions that may be worthy but fail to stretch my faith, spirit or service. 

Something I read earlier this month in a 12-Step meditation book called Twenty-Four Hours a Day has stayed with me:  
"The nearer I get to this new life (my goal), the more I will see my unfitness. My sense of failure is a sure sign that I am growing in the new life. It is only struggle that hurts. In sloth -- physical, mental or spiritual -- there is no sense of failure or discomfort. With struggle and effort, I am conscious not of strength but of weakness until I am really living the new life. But in the struggle, I can always rely on the power of God to help me."
I hope and pray I am growing toward a more spiritual life. "Thy will be done."

I had written that on Aug. 3, and the next day, I jotted this in my journal:
"Ebbs and flows. After such a slow start this week, Friday and Saturday are more productive. Another reason to keep on praying, believing, reading Scripture, focusing on the positive, embracing good intentions and trusting that God is in charge, even when it seems like He has no control or interest in my life." 

I'm pretty sure I had intended to make this into a blog post all those days ago. Better late than never? Three weeks hence, the words still ring true, and I am grateful.

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