Wednesday, June 30, 2021

High hopes, great expectations -- and God's gracious guidance

I had such high hopes for how I would wrap up this great month of June on my blog.

Oh well.  Whatever ideas I once had to accompany those high hopes have disappeared. Maybe (hopefully?) those ideas will return or something better will arise as I proceed to write.

Suffice it to say it was a great month. 

Even with the impossibility of meeting my oversized expectations for the north Texas-based 2021 Bassmaster Classic with fishing at Lake Ray Roberts and weigh-ins in Fort Worth, there's no denying the many wonderful moments I experienced with my husband, his colleagues and friends. I love Texas and I love watching and sometimes being a part of the action as Gene does what he does. Plus, I've become a fan of the B.A.S.S. style of fishing tournaments, and the Classic is the pinnacle. I enjoy following the stories of the anglers and the anticipation of seeing who will win.

A couple of personal victories for me came in deciding at almost the last minute to interview the two Oklahoma anglers in the Classic and write up a story. The first victory was that the interviews went great and the story was fun. The second victory was that, when the first place I tried to get to publish the story  wasn't interested, I pursued other options. I didn't let it spoil the whole endeavor. My goal is to share the stories, and I was glad that a fair number of people did get to view what I had written on social media and other platforms. Plus it was really cool to get to know another Oklahoma angler who seems to be a hard worker, dedicated family man and all-around good guy.

I also wrangled some hometown publicity for the Classic, drawing on my husband's roots in North Texas. This also involved some last-minute decisions and actions. I was grateful for how it turned out. And it may have opened doors to future possibilities for me involving home-county journalism.

A week after the Classic, it was time for vacation Bible school at Whaley United Methodist Church, also in Texas. A few months earlier, when I heard they needed someone to help with the music at VBS, I expressed interest. After prayer and more thought, I agreed to help out with "Discovery on Adventure Island." I especially looked forward to the opportunity because I knew six of the participants would be my sister's grandkids -- children whom I adore. They and the others did not disappoint.

I stayed with my mom the week of VBS, which added to the things for which I was grateful. Even though we were both busy with different things and didn't have time to do much together, I always enjoy my time with mom. And I appreciate that she and I can both be busy on our own things and still enjoy the time we have together. 

A little area of self-improvement I realized I needed to work on earlier this month was not comparing myself to others and not being envious or jealous. It's helped me weather some situations where my tendency would have veered into feeling sorry for myself when I saw some of the things others were doing or receiving. It's freeing to recognize that and just stop!

Meanwhile, it was interesting to look back at my most recent post and see that I wrote about transitions and priorities.

I’m continuing to be in some kind of transition. It feels strange not to mark these occasions on social media. And yet it seems repetitive or redundant to post every year. 

The reason I like to post is because people seem to enjoy it and it helps me remember. 

One reason I’m OK with not posting is that it takes time for me to come up with what to post. I guess I have other priorities. ...

And I’m grateful to my Heavenly Father for His unending love and care. 

Maybe that’s what I miss most about posting — the expressions of gratitude I always include. 

God, I pray that my gratitude and encouragement can be felt even when I don’t share on social media.

I was recently reminded that living according to my priorities (based on my values) makes decisions and choices much easier. Of course, that reminded me that I don't have a strong sense of my own values and-or priorities. 

I've started trying to identify them and to incorporate them into decision making. Today, it led me to take pictures while I walked outside, and to post them on social media. And it led me to not give up on my desire to update my blog tonight. 

That's because, so far, things I'm identifying as priorities or values include gratitude and encouragement. Spreading joy. Communicating goodness. Glorifying God.

For the umpteenth time, I don't know where this will lead. But for today, stronger then ever, I trust that God is in charge, leading me along right paths. And I am grateful.


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