Sunday, September 30, 2018

A brighter perspective

I won't know for sure until tomorrow, but I'm optimistic I finally have a pair of lenses in my new eyeglasses that allow me to see distances, midrange and up-close clearly and without double vision.

Dare I get my hopes up? Yes, I dare!

It's been a relief these past two weeks to be able to see clearly, even as my eyes continue to adjust to the more precise focus required with trifocals. This is either my fifth or set of lenses as the optometrist and optician have tried to figure out what I need. A new set with one more tweak should be available for me to try tomorrow, along with the sunglasses, all of which I paid for in early August.

I'm grateful I didn't give up on the process when I was so discouraged earlier this month, even after the optometrist and optician both assured me they wanted to continue working with me -- with no further charge -- until I was satisfied. I felt strangely guilty that with each new set of lenses before this one, I still couldn't see clearly, without excessive strain. I can truthfully say that in past situations I have given up on such a process. I hope I'll be able to file this as a positive learning experience.

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