Thursday, November 19, 2020


So I finally did this thing, after procrastinating since at least May. I wanted to help. My intentions were good. My heart was all-in. It seemed like I should be able to help. But twists of caring too much and wishing I could fix it myself and wanting a perfect outcome and feeling so sad over the loss of my friend and that I can't adopt two or three of this kitties kept me from getting it done. 

I've prayed and prayed. Including today. God increasingly told me He couldn't do His part until I did mine.

So is it God's timing or my procrastination that made today when these words and 22 photos were finally posted on Facebook?

Facebook still asks: What’s on your mind? What's on my mind & heart are a dozen or more sweet kitties related to my precious, dearly departed friend Ellie. These kitties need homes. I've been doing what I can to help support them (food & spay/neuter isn't cheap). All are litter-box trained. They also all are pretty skittish, because about the only person they see is Ellie’s son, Doug, with whom they live. We are pretty sure they would become friendly with new owners pretty quickly. 

Doug has gone above & beyond in loving and caring for them. But he has too many kitties in that house. (He has at least 5 adults and 3 kitties born this year in addition to the ones needing homes.) 

I've found myself thinking "What would Ellie do?" I don’t know that answer. I do know she loved her kitties, especially the adult kitties who kept her company in her last weeks & months. The first of the kittens were born before she died May 7. Several more litters arrived since, courtesy of cats that preferred to be outdoors & had not been spayed, plus an indoor cat that escaped outside before she could be spayed. 

It's been a logistical and financial challenge to get the tomcat caught and spayed, and then the mamas, and now some of the kittens as they get older. (The first ones were born in the spring; the latest maybe in late July.) 

I told Doug from the start I would help find homes for the kitties. I regret that, as usual, I kept putting it off. Now they are older & perhaps more challenging to find homes for. It breaks my heart that I can't take at least three of them. Do any of you need a kitty or two or know of someone who does? God bless any & all who can help. Most of these pictures are from when they were much younger. I can try to get new pictures for anyone who is interested or can help. #godblessthekitties❤️🙏😻 

How I long for these kitties to have good homes. Doug wants them to be indoor kitties, because their mamas likely were exposed to bobcat fever. I don't understand much about that, but he's adamant, after having to bury too many kitties who succumbed to the tick-borne sickness, including litter mates of some of these. 

It seems like I see posts every day from animal shelters and other sources with felines needing homes. Many of them are kittens; most likely are more social. 

In my mind, the possibility of my friends helping find homes for these seems unlikely. 

I also know that God knows how precious these kitties are -- and He understands they have emotional ties to my friend Ellie, for me as well as for her son. I've got to trust that God is in control and working for good. He's got the whole world in His hands, and that includes my heart and these kitties.

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