Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Good Day

(Psalmcat 50:2.28.10)

Yesterday was a good day. I cared and shared. I played. I shopped. I enjoyed the sunshine. I cheered as my favorite sports teams won. I laughed out loud at a silly political/cultural satire show.

I easily could have squandered that good day. I didn't get to do everything I wanted to, and deciding what to do wasn't easy. And as I decided what to do and just did it, I was tempted to second-guess. Am I doing the right thing? Should I be doing that instead of this? What about all those important things (chores, responsibilities, maintenance) I could/should be doing on a Saturday?

Fortunately, I didn't let those questions pull me down. I lived and enjoyed. I smiled. I SMILED! After a week with some workdays in which I had to force myself to smile, it was wonderful for smiles to be effortless.

And I'm still smiling today. At church, at Walmart. Even while I tackled some of those chores I neglected yesterday.

Today's not perfect. Neither was yesterday. There were miscommunications. I didn't get to do some of the things I wanted to do or see some of the people I wanted to see. I lost my gray cashmere scarf. My car is dirty, and its interior and my carry-all bags are in complete disarray. The weather's beautiful again, and I would love to be outside.

But today is good, just like yesterday was good. I was and am where I need to be.

How many good days have I squandered by second-guessing or by allowing overblown expectations and visions of perfection to choke out the possibilities?

Yesterday and today seem to reinforce a lesson life keeps trying to teach me: Quit worrying. Do good -- the best I can -- and trust in God.

"Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart's desires."
Psalm 37:3-4

(**For Psalmcat explanation, see Feb. 12 post.)

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