Thursday, November 1, 2018

Not so novel November writing

I did some research, and I found out National Writing Month is actually NaNoWriMo, aka National Novel Writing Month. So, it's not just a challenge for writers and wanna-bees to compose 500 words a day in November. The challenge is 500 words a day toward the first draft of a 50,000-word novel in a month.

That doesn't interest me at all. Fortunately, through the years, I've adopted a fine slogan that comes in handy here: Take what you want and leave the rest.

So ... I won't be attempting to write a novel in a month.

But something about the challenge of writing 500 words a day, about whatever appeals to me, appeals to me. Even when on the first day of November, it's after 11 p.m. before I'm sitting down at the computer to type, and I have to get up early tomorrow.

Fortunately, I jotted down some notes in the journal on my phone earlier in the day, so perhaps I can make quick work of this.

For today, writing 500 words a day in November seems possible. Starting today. 

In its time, anything is possible. 
In its time, everything is possible!!

In its time, nothing is impossible. 

For me, it's more realistic to say: With God anything is possible. With God, everything is possible. With God, nothing is impossible. 
For me to play a part in what God makes possible, I have to spend time with Him, praying and listening and responding with faith, whether that response be action or waiting.

It's a process. It doesn't always make sense to me. 

In fact, I just did a word count, and the end of that last sentence was just 265 words. I really don't have time for this. What was I thinking?
Truly, simply, this: With God, anything is possible. With God, everything is possible! With God, nothing is impossible. 

So, I thought I might sit down and quickly type out 500 words and still finish a couple of other tasks before I go to bed -- and also get plenty of sleep before my alarm goes off at 6 a.m. (or now maybe 6:30 a.m., but if I set it back 30 minutes, I'll face the new impossibility of getting to church by 8 a.m. to finish getting things ready for the bazaar).
I'd be finished now if I could think of an ending. Maybe I can be finished anyway, and let this be a project that continues to develop. Be satisfied with progress not perfection. Trust God. Trust the process. Can I trust God's timing with this process? Yes.

(434 words. Ha! Yes! Progress not perfection. Thank You, God.)

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