Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Eager anticipation

It's a good thing for me that Advent is typically more about remembering the waiting and anticipation that preceded the birth of Christ, rather than discipline, which is often the focus of the Lenten season that leads up to Easter.

I'm filled with eager anticipation as I try to get into a rhythm for reading daily Advent devotionals. I have at least three to choose from. So far, life has gotten in the way of reading except for the first day. (It's now the end of day 3.)

I'm also still waiting for family celebration plans to take shape. It's interesting that even when we have firm plans, we know plans in December must include an element of flexibility dependent on the weather. But it seems unusual on the fourth day of December still not to have a pretty good idea of who will be where, and when, among my siblings and mom.

It fits well with a time in my life where I'm trying to find a good balance among planning, preparing, going with the flow and trusting God, all while looking for and building up the positive in each situation or circumstance.

I don't know where it's leading. I'm grateful to feel the certainty of God's presence on the journey.

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